Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
King name "Atli" | Icelandic | In the Volsunga Saga Atli is a king corresponding to Etzel in the Nibelungenlied; he marries Gudrun and invites her brothers to court, where they are treacherously slain. Gudrun avenges them by killing her own and Atli's two sons, and later, Atli himself. |
King name "Etzel" | Nibelungenlied | The second husband of Kriemhild, king of the Huns. Nibelungenlied |
King name "Nibelung" | Norway | A mythical king of Norway, whose subjects are called Nibelungers and territory the Nibelungenland. There were two contemporary kings in this realm, against whom Siegfried. Prince of the Netherlands, fought. He slew the twelve giants who formed their paladins with 700 of their chiefs, and made their country tributary. The word is from nebcl (darkness), and means the children of mist or darkness. Volsunga Saga |
King name "Nibelungen Hoard" | German | A mythical måśś of gold and precious stones, which Siegfried obtained from the Nibelungs, and gave to his wife Kriemhild as her marriage portion. It was guarded by Albric the dwarf. After the murder of Siegfried, his widow removed the hoard to Worms; here Hagan seized it, and buried it secretly beneath "the Rhine at Lochham," intending at a future time to enjoy it, "but that was ne'er to be." Kriemhild married Etzel with the view of avenging her wrongs. In time Gunther, with Hagan and a host of Burgundians, went to visit king Etzel, and Kriemhild stirred up a great broil, at the end of which a most terrible slaughter ensued. Volsunga Saga |