Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Aker" | Egypt | Chthonic earth god of påśśage. Known from the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Controls the interface between eastern and western horizons of the underworld, and is the guardian of the gate through which the king påśśes into the underworld. Aker provides a safe course for the barque of the Sun god during its påśśage through the underworld at night. He may be seen as the socket holding the boat's mast. He is also considered benevolent against snake bites. Represented by opposite facing pairs of human or lion heads.... |
King name "Andraemon" | Greek | The husband of Gorge, the daughter of the Calydonian king Oeneus, and father of Thoas. When Diomedes delivered Oeneus, who had been imprisoned by the sons of Agrius, he gave the kingdom to Andraemon, since Oeneus was already too old. |
King name "Arete" | Greek | The wife of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians. In the Odyssey she appears as a noble and active superintendent of the household of her husband, and when Odysseus arrived in the island, he first applied to queen Arete to obtain hospitable reception and protection. Respecting her connexion with the story of Jason and Medeia. |
King name "Arete" | Greek | The wife of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians. In the Odyssey she appears as a noble and active superintendent of the household of her husband, and when Odysseus arrived in the island, he first applied to queen Arete to obtain hospitable reception and protection. Respecting her connexion with the story of Jason and Medeia, see Alcinous. Greek |
Goddess name "Athirat" | Western Semitic / Canaanite | Fertility goddess. In Old Babylonian texts of Hammurabi she is identified as the daughter-in-law of the king of heaven. She is also known from pre-Islamic southern Arabia as a consort of the moon god AMM.See also ASERAH.... |
Goddess name "Auge" | Greek | Princess of Arkadia and a priestess of Athena, who birthed her illegitimate son within the sacred precincts of the goddess. As punishment for the sacriligeous act, Athena made the land barren until the king had the girl exiled and sold into slavery. Greek |
Spirit name "Ba-Pef" | Egypt | Chthonic underworld god. An obscure malevolent deity known from the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC) in which he may have enjoyed a priesthood. According to limited references among the Pyramid Texts, he had a cult following and was åśśociated in some way with pain or spiritual anguish affecting the king.... |
God name "Babi" | Egypt | Malevolent god. Known from as early as the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC). Babi is seen as a violent and hostile deity whose presence can be highly dangerous during the ceremony of the Weighing of the Heart in the Hall of the Two Truths (see also AMMUT). Conversely he can also act in a protective capacity. Closely åśśociated with sexual virility in the underworld, Babi is ithyphallic. A god active in the darkness, his śéméñ serves variously as the mast on the underworld ferry boat, and the bolt on heaven's doors. Depicted as an ithyphallic male baboon.... |
Goddess name "Bat" | Egypt / Upper | cow goddess of fertility. She was probably well known in the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Associated principally with Upper Egypt, for a while she may have rivaled Hathor in Lower Egypt but by the time of the New kingdom (sixteenth century BC) her influence had waned. She may be represented on the Narmer Palette (Cairo Museum) which com memorates the unification of the two kingdoms. Bat is only rarely found in large sculptures and paintings, but is often the subject of Egyptian period jewelry, including amulets and ritual sistrum rattles. Depicted as a cow or anthropo morphically with bovine ears and horns. Also Bata.... |
Goddess name "Bebhinn" | Britain | A goddess of the underworld and daughter of its ruler and a breathtakingly beautiful giantess with long golden hair. Britain |
God name "Benu" | Egypt / Upper | Transmuted bird-like form of a Sun god. A deity mentioned in Pyramid Texts (circa twenty-fifth century BC) and linked with the Sun god of Heliopolis, ATUM. He is also said to have been self-created from the primeval ocean and is sometimes a symbol of rebirth in the afterlife. Benu may have augmented the Greek clåśśical tradition of the Phoenix. He appears in the Old kingdom as a yellow wagtail but later becomes a heron, wearing the conical white crown of Upper Egypt with two slender feathers pointing backwards from its crest.... |
God name "Chang Hs'iien" | Chinese | Guardian god of children. According to tradition he was the mortal king of Szechuan killed by the founder of the Sung dynasty. His wife was captured and forced to become a concubine in the imperial palace. She was discovered by the emperor kneeling before a picture of her deceased husband which she identified as a local deity, the immortal Chang who gives children. This triggered the cult which began locally in Szechuan circa AD 100. Chang Hs'ien is depicted holding a bow made of mulberry wood and either aiming an arrow at the star Tien Kou, the socalled celestial dog which threatens the earth, or aiming the empty bow at a rat (see ERH LANG).... |
God name "Credne aka Creidhne" | Ireland | A son of Brigid and Tuireann and the artificer of the Tuatha De Danann, working in bronze, bråśś and gold. He and his brothers Goibniu and Luchtaine were known as the Tri Dee Dana, the three gods of art, who forged the weapons which the Tuatha De used to battle the Fomorians. Ireland |
King name "Draught of Thor" | Norse | The ebb of the sea. When Asa Thor visited Jotunheim he was set to drain a bowl of liquor. He took three draughts, but only succeeded in slightly reducing the quantity. On leaving Jotunheim, the king, Giant Skrymir, told him he need not be ashamed of himself, and showed him the sea at low ebb, saying that he had drunk all the rest in his three draughts. We are told it was a quarter of a mile of sea-water that he drank. Norse |
Spirit name "Fada" | France | A fee or kobold of the south of France, sometimes called "Hada." These house-spirits, of which, strictly speaking, there are but three, bring good luck in their right hand and ill luck in their left. |
King name "Grangousier" | Utopia | king of Utopia, who married, in "the vigour of his old age," Gargamelle, daughter of the king of the Parpaillons, and became the father of Gargantua, the giant. He is described as a man in his dotage, whose delight was to draw scratches on the hearth with a burnt stick while watching the broiling of his chestnuts. (Rabelais: Gargantua.) |
God name "He Zur (the great white one)" | Egypt | Baboon god. Known from the Old kingdom and regarded as a manifestation of Thot.... |
God name "Hemen" | Egypt | A falcongod, worshipped in Hefat, who was depicted during the Old kingdom as slaying hippopotami, and other symbolic forces of chaos. Egypt |