
List of Gods : "King The" - 557 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Greek A son of Aeolus and Enarete, king of Messene, was the father of Aphareus and Leucippus by Gorgophone. (Apollodorus) In some traditions Perieres was called a son of Cynortas, and besides the sons above mentioned he is said to have been, by Gorgophone, the father of Tyndareos and Icarius. Greek
King name
Greek A brother of Phoroneus, and king of Psophis in Arcadia. The town of Phegeia, which had before been called Erymanthus, was believed to have derived its name from him. Subsequently, however, it was changed again into Psophis. Greek
King name
Greek 1. A daughter of king Pandion in Attica, who, being dishonoured by her brother-in-law Tereus, was metamorphosed into a nightingale or swallow.
King name
Thrace A blind king of Thrace, who had the gift of prophecy. Whenever he wanted to eat, the Harpies came and took away or defiled his food.
King name
Greek A king of the Lapithae, a son of Ares and Chryse, the daughter of Halmus, succeeded Eteocles, who died without issue, in the government of the district of Orchomenos, which he called after himself Phlegyantis. Greek
King name
Greek Physignathos [one who swells the checks]. king of the Frogs, and son of Pelus [mud], slain by Troxartas, the Mouse-king.
God name
Hindu Demigods created by Brahma, the creator of the universe. People, with all parts of their bodies smeared with mud; besmearing their friends here and there with mud; speaking, for the sake of love, various beautiful utterances concerning persons having sexual intercourse and the women fit for cohabitation, instigating sex-instinct; saying indecent words and crying aloud - should play. On that day, in the morning, the Pisacas of dreadful sight - the followers of Nikumbha - enter all the human beings. In the evening, they leave the body of one who does so and is bathed and enter that of another, cursing him, who does not do so. Then the bathed persons should worship Kes'ava. Hindu
God name
"Pitao Cozobi"
Zapotec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Maize god. Worshiped by the Monte Alban culture of Zapotec-speaking peoples in the Valley of Oaxaca. Sculptures were often adorned with casts of maize ears....
God name
Roman God of the underworld. Derived from the Greek model of HADES, he abducted the daughter of CERES, PROSERPINA, to reign as his queen. The three-headed dog Cerberus was set to guard the gate of Hades and through the kingdom flowed the two rivers of death, the Cocytus and the Acheron which could be crossed only by the ferryman Charon. According to Roman tradition, the entrance to the underworld was at Avernus in Rome where the Christian church of St. Maria del Inferno was built.See also HADES....
King name
Greek 1. A son of Lelex, brother of Myles, and husband of Messene, the daughter of Triopas of Argos. He emigrated from Laconia to Messenia, which country he thus called after his wife. He was the first king of Messenia.
King name
Greek 1. A son of Cadmus and Harmonia, was king of Thebes, and husband of Nycteis, by whom he became the father of Labdacus. (Theogony of Hesiod 978 ; Apollodorus iii)
King name
Greek A son of Agenor and Epicaste, was king of Pleuron and Calydon in Aetolia, and married to Euryte, by whom he became the father of Oeneus, Agrius, Alcathous, Melas, Leucopeus, and Sterope.
Goddess name
Roman Minor goddess. Associated with the safe drinking ability of infants....
King name
Krishna The kicking of Lord Jagannatha. Hare Krishna
King name
Greek The famous king of Troy, at the time of the Trojan war. He was a son of Laomedon and Strymo or Placia. His original name is said to have been Podarces, i. e. "the swift-footed," which was changed into Priamus, "the ransomed" because he was the only surviving son of Laomedon and was ransomed by his sister Hesione, after he had fallen into the hands of Heracles. Greek
King name
"Promise of Odin"
Norse The most binding of all promises to a Scandinavian. In making this promise the person påśśed his hand through a måśśive silver ring kept for the purpose; or through a sacrificial stone, like that called the "Circle of Stennis." Norse
God name
Hindu Creator god, noble king who ruled over India, mentioned in Vedic texts. This deity is head of the solar pantheon and introduced Agriculture to humankind. Hindu
King name
"Psycarpax [granary thief]"
Lake Son of Troxartas, king of the Mice. The Frogking offered to carry the young prince over a lake, but scarcely had he got midway when a water-hydra appeared, and king Frog, to save himself, dived under water. The mouse, being thus left on the surface, was drowned, and this catastrophe brought about the battle of the Frogs and Mice.
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