
List of Gods : "Nian" - 306 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"P'an Niang"
China A goddess of vaccination
God name
Albanian A storm god that lets you know he is around with thunder & lightning. It was used by the Christians to identify their god in that region
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Tutelary god of Isin. The consort of the goddess NIN'INSINNA. Identified with the city of Larak (lost), texts describe Pabilsag journeying to Nippur and presenting the god ENLIL with gifts. He is given the epithet of “the wild bull with multicolored legs.”...
God name
"Pap-nigin-gara (lord of the boundary stone)"
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian God of war. Syncretized with NINURTA....
God name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian Messenger god. Identified in late Akkadian texts and known chiefly from Hellenistic Babylonian times. His consort is AMASAGNUL and he acts as both messenger and gatekeeper for the rest of the pantheon. A sanctuary, the E-akkil, is identified from the Mesopotamian site of Mkis'. He becomes syncretized with NINS'UBUR....
God name
Pre - Christian Albanian storm god. In the ancient Illyrian culture his presence was announced by thunder and lightning. The name subsequently became adopted to identify God in the Christian sense....
God name
Pre - Christian Latvian God of thunder. Depicted armed with iron weapons, he is also a fertility god who brings beneficial Rain. Also Perkunas (Lithuanian)....

Greek Was the wife of the Athenian Icarius. She was said to have invented the hexameter. Porphyrius designates her as the Delphic priestess of Apollo. Greek
Goddess name
Slavic Ukranian moon-goddesses.
Demon name
Ukranian 'Lady Midnight'. A demoness said to frighten children at night. She seems to have originally been the third Zorya of midnight with sisters dawn and Sunset. Ukranian
Goddess name
Albanian Goddess of love and consort of the thunder god Perende. Albanian
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Albanian Goddess of love. The consort of the thunder god Perendi who became absorbed into Christianity as a saint....
God name
Greco - Roman / Phrygian Fertility god. The son of DIONYSOS and APHRODITE, he was also a guardian of mariners. Priapos was not regarded as a significant deity in Greece until very late times—during the Macedonian period, circa fourth to second century BC—and was only locally popular during the Roman Empire period. He is particularly known from Phrygia and is depicted as a satyr-like creature with pronounced genitals....

"Romulus and Remus"
Roman Romulus, which is only a lengthened form of Romus, is simply the Roman people represented as an individual, and must be placed in the same category as Aeolus, Dorus, and Ion, the reputed ancestors of the Aeolians, Dorians, and lonians, owing to the universal practice of antiquity to represent nations as springing from eponymous ancestors. Roman
God name
"S ara"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Minor war god. Mainly identified with the city of Umma, north east of Unug (Uruk), and identified in some texts as the son of INANA (IS TAR)....

Babylonian The remote and inscrutable divinity of the cosmic deep. Babylonian
God name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian God of cattle. A patron god of herdsmen, probably deriving from the Sumerian god LAHAR. Also Amakandu, Sumuqan....
God name
Babylonian The female consort of the Sun-god of Eridu. Babylonian
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