
List of Gods : "Osiris" - 34 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼

"Albion the Giant"
Britain Fourth son of Neptune, sixth son of Osiris, and brother of Hercules, his mother being Amphitrita. Albion the Giant was put by his father in possession of the isle of Britain, where he speedily subdued the Samotheans, the first inhabitants. His brother Bergion ruled over Ireland and the Orkneys. Another of his brothers was Lestrigo, who subjected Italy.

"Saint George"
British Saint George Patron saint of England and the Christian adaptation of the dragon slaying legends of Bel and the dragon, Apollo and Python, Osiris and Typhon, etc. British
God name
"MOT (death)"
Canaanite / Phoenician / northern Israel, Lebanon / Syrian coastal regions God of natural adversity. ot is the Canaanite representation of adversity in the natural world. He lives in a pit within the earth and is responsible for its annual death from drought and heat: “he has scorched the olive, the produce of the earth and the fruit of the trees.” He engages in the clåśśic confrontation with the Canaanite hero and national god, BAAL. Though the duel results in Baal's demise, his death is avenged by his twin sister ANAT, who slays Mot, then cleaves, winnows, burns and grinds him with a millstone, in what appears to be a ritual allied to the sowing of seed and harvesting (see OSIRIS). Baal is later restored. The conflict probably formed the basis of an annual ritual drama at the Canaanite New Year which was held in the autumn. In the texts Mot is the son of Il and his mother is AS'ERAH (ATHIRAT)....
God name
Egypt Banebdjed, a ram-god of birth, essentially the soul Osiris. Egypt

Egypt A daughter of Osiris and Isis, and sister of Horus (Apollo). Her mother, Isis, entrusted Bubastis and Horns to Buto, to protect them from Typhon. Egypt

Egypt One of the Four sons of Horus depicted in funerary literature as protecting the throne of Osiris in the underworld. Hapi is depicted as a baboon-headed mummified human on funerary furniture and especially the canopic jars that held the organs of the deceased. Hapi's jar held the lungs. Hapi was also the protector of the North. Egypt
God name
"Harakhte or Harakhtes"
Egypt The Sun God and mythical first pharaoh, son of Isis and Osiris. Represented as falcon headed god he was later absorbed by Ra. Egypt
God name
Egypt God of Herakleopolis, represented with ram's head. Harsaphes was eventually åśśimilated with Osiris and Re. Egypt
God name
Egypt A form of the god Horus, especially as the child of Isis & Osiris
God name
Egypt Form of the god Horus, especially as the child of Isis and Osiris. Egypt
God name
Egypt Harpocrates God of the rising Sun. Horus the Child, son of Isis and Osiris, originally a god of youth and vigor, later taking on the aspects of the Sun-god. At Mendes he was the son of Hat-mehit. Egypt
God name
Egypt The god of the sky, and the son of Osiris. His mother is Isis. Since he was god of the sky, Horus became depicted as a falcon, or as a falcon-headed man. Egypt
God name
Egypt Horus the Younger A solar deity, god of the rising Sun, of light, Son of Osiris and Isis. The latter taught him the arts of magick and healing through oracles. He absorbed and was identified with the other Horus gods-the Heru group. Egypt
God name
Egypt A god of war and a protector of sacred places. He was lord of the horizon and manifested the heat of summer and fought all aggressors threatening Egypt and was also seen as one of Osiris' executioners. Egypt

Egypt The son of Seb and Nut, is the brother of Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys; and the father of Anubis by Nephthys. Set stole the light from the Sun, resulting in autumn and Winter. Egypt
God name
"Harendotes [Greek]"
Egypt Form of the god HORUS. Under this name, Horus specifically guards and protects his father OSIRIS in death. He thus becomes åśśociated with sarcophagi and appears frequently in coffin texts. Also Har-nedj-itef (Egyptian)....
God name
"Haroeris [Greek]"
Egypt Form of the god HORUS as a man. The name distinguishes the mature deity from HARPOKRATES, the child Horus. In this form he avenges his father, OSIRIS, and regains his kingdom from SETH, his uncle. He is depicted as the falcon god. Also Harueris; Har-wer (both Egyptian); HARENDOTES....
God name
Egypt Form of the god HORUS. Specifically when personifying the child of ISIS and OSIRIS. According to the Pyramid Texts, Harsiese performs the “opening of the mouth” rite for the dead king....
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