Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Usins" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Astral god. Associated with both the morning and evening star and also has links with bee-keepers and spring. Under Christian influence he becomes absorbed into the figure of St. George.... |
Goddess name "Velu Mate" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Chthonic underworld goddess. The queen of the dead. She is depicted wearing white and she greets the dead at the cemetery.... |
God name "Jumis" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Fertility god. Symbolized by cereal stalks joined at the heads, or bent over and buried in the ground.... |
God name "Perkons" | Pre - Christian Latvian | God of thunder. Depicted armed with iron weapons, he is also a fertility god who brings beneficial Rain. Also Perkunas (Lithuanian).... |
God name "Svantevit" | Pre - Christian Latvian | God of war. Mentioned by the author Saxo Grammaticus as riding upon a white horse and holding a cornucopia, he is known locally from the island of Rugen. Also a guardian deity of crops.... |
Goddess name "Lauka Mate" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Goddess of Agriculture. Worshiped in the fields at ploughing time.... |
Goddess name "Karta" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Goddess of destiny. Known only from folk traditions.... |
Goddess name "Laima" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Goddess of fate. Particularly concerned with guarding women at childbirth, and with the newborn. Regarded as a household goddess of prosperity and good fortune.... |
Goddess name "Veja Mate" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Goddess of winds. Also responsible for birds and woodlands.... |
God name "Majas Gars" | Pre - Christian Latvian | household god. Invoked until very recent times in country districts as a deity who would bring prosperity to the family home.... |
God name "Auseklis (morning star)" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Minor astral god. An attendant of the Sun god, linked with fertility and involved in the activity of the heavenly bath house.... |
Goddess name "Meiess" | Pre - Christian Latvian | moon god. Consort of the Sun goddess SAULE. He is a guardian deity of travelers and military expeditions.... |
God name "Dievs" | Pre - Christian Latvian | sky god. He is depicted in the guise of a gentleman farmer wearing cap and sword and mounted on a horse, or driving a cart. Tradition has it that he first set free the Sun.... |
Goddess name "Saule" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Sun goddess. Also having agricultural links, she is perceived as living on a heavenly farm atop a mythical mountain and invoked to induce fertility and ripening among crops. Her consorts are the sky god DIEVS and the moon god MENESS.... |
Supreme god name "Deive" | Latvia | The supreme god. The same word refers to the Christian deity in modern Latvian. In ancient Latvian mythology, Dievs was not just the father of the gods, he was the essence of them all. Latvia |
Goddess name "Medeine (of the trees)" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Woodland goddess. Known from medieval måñuścripts.... |