Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "Aquariel" | Mexico | God of magic mushrooms who opens the doors of perception and grants transcendent and cosmic understanding and spiritually evolvion. Mexico. |
Spirit name "Archer" | Gnostic / Christian | A governing spirit of Aquarius. Gnostic / Christian |
Spirit name "Kutkhu" | Kemchadal / southeastern Siberia | Guardian spirit. The counterpart of the Koryak QUIKINN.A'QU, he fashioned the created world into its present form and is the majordomo of the creator god. His consort is Ilkxum and his sister is Xutlizic. His children include SI'MSKALIN, TI'ZIL-KUTKHU and SI'DIUKU. In mythology he is depicted as a salacious character. Also Kutq; Kutkinnaqu.... |