Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "Ajatar (sometimes Ajattara)" | Finland | An evil Forest spirit. |
Spirit name "Akka (old lady)" | Finland | Female spirit, feminine counterpart of "Ukko"[7]. |
Spirit name "Ilmatar" | Finland | Female spirit of air; the daughter of primeval substance of creative spirit. Mother of Väinämöinen in Kalevala. |
Demon name "Lempo" | Finland | Originally a fertility spirit, became synonymous with demon in the Christian era. |
Spirit name "Luonnotar" | Finland | spirit of nature, feminine creator. |
Spirit name "Menninkäinen" | Finland | A fairy spirit, gnome. |
Spirit name "Näkki" | Finland | The fearsome spirit of pools, wells and bridges. Same as Nix. |
Spirit name "Otso" | Finland | The spirit of bear (one of many cirçúɱlocutory epithets). |
Demon name "Piru" | Finland | spirit, demon. Probably later loan word related to "spirit". |
Spirit name "Tont'tu" | Finland | A little house-spirit. The Kalevala. Finland |