Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "Chlvnik" | Russian | A household spirit who lives in the cattleshed. Russian |
Demon name "Dobrochot" | Russian | A demon, especially a domestic spirit. Russian |
Spirit name "Dvorvoy" | Russian | A household spirit who lives in the yard. Russian |
Spirit name "Ignis Fatuus" | Russian | According to a Russian superstition, these wandering fires are the spirits of still-born children which flit between heaven and the Inferno. |
Spirit name "Khitka" | Russian | Kidnapping spirit; an aspect of the Rusalka. Russian |
Spirit name "Vejopatis" | Lithuanian | The spirit of wind. He is the father of the winds, usually described as a wrathful, inexorable, evil spirit with a beard, wings and two faces. Lithuanian and Prussian |