Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "Tanu'ka" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | earth spirit. A guardian of the earth and its plants and animals, Tanu'ta is the consort of YINE'ANE'UT (in other legends she is married to the son of the supreme being TA'YAN).... |
Spirit name "Tanu'la" | Koryak / SE Siberia | A guardian spirit of the earth & its plans & animals, female type |
Spirit name "Tanula" | Siberia | Guardian spirit of the earth, plants and animals. Koryak, Siberia |
Demon name "Yine'ane'ut" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | Guardian spirit. One of the daughters of Big Raven, QUIKINN.A'QU, regarded as a shamanka engaged in a constant struggle with the underworld demons, the kalau. Her sister is Cana'ina'ut and she is the consort of the earth spirit TANUTA.... |