Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "Gitche Manitou" | Algonquin | The Great spirit, the Creator of all things and the Giver of Life. Algonquin |
Spirit name "Gitche/ Manitou" | Algonquin / Lenape | The Great spirit, the All Father |
Supreme god name "Kitchki" | Manitou | The Great spirit, "The Supreme God", "Father, Creator, universal Big Daddy." I'm sure you get the message. Manitou |
Spirit name "Manabozho aka Nanabush" | Ojibwa | Manabozo, a spirit trickster figure and culture hero. He was the son of a human mother and Bangishimog, a spirit father. Nanabozho most often appears in the shape of a rabbit and is characterized as a trickster. He was sent to earth by Gitchi Manitou to teach the Ojibwe, and one of his first tasks was to name all the plants and animals. Ojibwa |
Spirit name "Manito/ Manitou/ Manitu" | Lapiti / Algonquin / Lakota / Ojibiwa & other tribes | The Great spirit |
Spirit name "Manitou" | Algonquin | Manito, Manitu, in traditional Algonquian First Nations culture, is the Great spirit, the Creator of all things and the Giver of Life. "Manitou" is an Algonquin word for "spirit", and "Gitche Manitou" means "Great spirit". |
Spirit name "Manitu" | Algonquin Indian / USA | Creator god. A vaguely defined being who controls all things and imparts knowledge to the tribe. He may be identified as the great spirit in the sky. Probably similar to MANITO.... |