
List of Gods : "animal" - 204 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Poloknalai Kafir"
Afghanistan Goddess of animals Afghanistan
God name
Africa God of animals. Revered by hunters in the savannah regions. Benin, West Africa

Africa Who came out on the same day that men came out of the earth. She is not commonly seen. We hear it said the primitive men knew her. No one existing at the present time ever saw her. She is said to be a very little animal, as large as a polecat, and is marked with little white and black stripes; on one side there grows a bed of reeds, a Forest, and gråśś;97 the other side is that of a man. Such is her form. South Africa
God name
"Kalahari aka Cagn Mantis"
Africa a creator god of the people of the Kalahari in Africa and in particular Botswana. He is credited with having made all things (he made the moon from an old shoe), and is the god of natural phenomena. Omnipresent, he manifests himself in everything in the world, but especially in the mantis and caterpillar, which seem to be his favored animals. He has one wife, Coti, and, with her, two sons, Cogaz and Gewi. At one time, he lived on earth but he later moved his dwelling to the top of the sky.

Africa One of Nyambe's creations was Kamunu, the first human being. Nyambe gave Kamunu the task of naming all the other creations and told the human being that all the animals were his siblings. As such he should look after them. Lozi, South West Africa

Africa In the beginning Nyambi made all things. He made animals, birds. At that time he lived on earth with his wife, Nasilele. Africa
God name
African Creator god. A generic term employed by a large number of tribes. Generally the jok is represented by a totem and also has an animal name. The Acholi in Uganda perceive jok to live in caves to which they deliver food and drink offerings. For the Shilluk in Sudan, Jwok created mankind from river clay....

African  Aja is an Orisha, patron of the Forest, the animals within it and herbal healers, whom she taught their art.
Deities name
Akan A generic name for the lessor gods, sometimes referred to as the deities. These spirits are embodied in the wind, rivers, oceans, streams, trees, mountains, rocks, animals, and other objects. Akan
Goddess name
Anatolian 'Great Mother'; she dwells in the 'tree of life' or under its roots and protects and supports humans and animals. Her milk is the origin of the milky Way. She was the primordial mother-goddess. Anatolian

Arab Borak or Al Borak (the lightning). The animal brought by Gabriel to carry Mahomet to the seventh heaven. It had the face of a man, but the cheeks of a horse; its eyes were like jacinths, but brilliant as the stars; it had the wings of an eagle, spoke with the voice of a man, and glittered all over with radiant light. This creature was received into Paradise.

"Al Borak"
Arabic The animal which carried Mahomet to the seventh heaven. Brought by Gabriel, he had a human face, the cheeks of a horse and the wings of an eagle and spoke good Arabic.
Goddess name
Australian The world-creator, the birth mother, maker of all water, land, animals, and kangaroos. This huge snake goddess still lives in the Dreamtime. Australian
Spirit name
Australian aboriginal Animistic spirits. Malevolent beings who conceal themselves in undergrowth and rock crevices and manifest as animals and birds, including eagles, crows, owls, kangaroos and emus. Kutji are considered to have taken over wild creatures if their behavior åśśumes unfamiliar patterns. Only shamans may contain the influence of these spirits. Otherwise, they possess the potential to inflict disease and death on to human beings....
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Sun goddess and bringer of light. She is said to have been jointly responsible, with BAIAME, for the creation of humankind and in particular for the Karraur group of aborigines. Mythology records that she was asleep in the darkness of the primordial Dreamtime until she was awakened by a loud roaring or whistling noise from Baiame. As she opened her eyes the world became light and as she walked the earth plants grew in her footprints, to be followed by animals and, finally, humankind....

Aztec From the Nahuatl word nahualli which was used to refer to practicioners of harmful magic. In the aztec belief system the day of a persons birth caluclated in the Tonalpohualli would determine the nature of the person - each day was åśśociated with an animal which could have a strong or weak aspect.

Aztec A great teacher, according to the traditions of the Toltecs, who came to them from Tullan or Yucatan and dwelt for twenty years among the people, teaching them to follow a virtuous life, to cease all wars and violent deeds of any kind, to abolish human and animal sacrifices and instead to give offerings of bread and flowers. Aztec
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor fertility goddess. One of the group clåśśed as the Ometochtli complex åśśociated with the maguey plant from which pulque is brewed. She may be depicted seated upon a tortoise beside an agave plant in bloom. According to legend she was abducted by QUETZALCOATL and subsequently dismembered by wild animals. From the fragments grew the first agave plants....
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