Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Pusi" | Polynesia | The family god of Tonuia, the first ancestor. At an opportune time Pusi would bite an enemy and bring upon him a lingering sickness from which he would waste away. Tikopia, Polynesia |
God name "Semargl" | Slavic | God of barley and family. Slavic |
Goddess name "Sif" | Norse | The wife of Thor and mother of Uller. The word denotes affinity. Sif, the golden-haired goddess, wife of Thor, betokens mother earth with her bright green gråśś. She was the goddess of the sanctity of the family and wedlock, and hence her name. Norse |
Goddess name "Sinivali" | Hindu / Vedic | Minor goddess of prosperity. Associated specifically with the boon of children. The mistress of the nuclear family. She is depicted as a matronly lady.... |
Goddess name "Susano-Wo ascends with her to heaven but is thrown out after trying to enter her house and committing various excesses. Amaterasu refuses to be sullied and obstinately hides herself away in a cave. It requires the combined diplomacy and craft of many other deities to persuade her to come out. The lure is the perfect divine mirror in which she sees her reflection. The birth of the two deities is considered to mark the transition between cosmic and material genesis." | Sometimes her shrines are placed adjacent to those of Susano - Wo | The Ise Naiku sanctuary is visited by about five million devotees each year and Amaterasu takes pride of place in every family shrine. She is also the tutelary goddess of the emperor. Hers tends to be a monotheistic cult in which all other deities take a subservient place. Though powerful she does not always succeed and is often subject to attack. She has been arguably identified with the god VAIROCANA in Buddhist religion.... |
"Teiresias" | Greek | Or Tiresias, a son of Everes and Chariclo. He belonged to the ancient family of Udaeus at Thebes, and was one of the most renowned soothsayers in all antiquity. Greek |
"Telchines" | Greek | A family, a clåśś of people, or a tribe, said to have been descended from Thalåśśa or Poseidon. Greek |
God name "Teraphim" | Hebrew | The household, family, or domestic gods of the Jews, similar to the lares and penates of the ancient Romans. Hebrew |
God name "Tsao Chun" | China | God of kitchens and stoves who ascends to heaven every year to report to the Jade Emperor on the good or bad behavior of each family member. China |
God name "Utnapishtim" | Sumerian | Utnapishtim is the wise king of the Sumerian city state of Shuruppak who, along with his wife, survived a great flood sent by Enlil to drown every living thing on earth. Utnapishtim was secretly warned by the water god Ea of Enlil's planned and constructed a great boat or ark to save himself, his family and representatives of each species of animal. |
Goddess name "Verplaca" | Roman | Goddess of family harmony. Roman |
Deities name "Vigrieesvaraeugramurti" | Hindu / Puranic | family of deities. A popular depiction in art of SIVA (colored black) and Parvati with their son GANESA after he has been decapitated by his father and given the head of an elephant by way of replacement.... |
Spirit name "White Lady" | Ireland | White Lady Of Ireland the banshee or domestic spirit of a family. |
Spirit name "White Lady" | Prussia | White Lady of the royal family of Prussia. A "spirit" said to appear before the death of one of the family. |