Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Charon" | Greek | A son of Erebos, the aged and dirty ferryman in the lower world, who conveyed in his boat the shades of the dead - though only of those whose bodies were buried across the rivers of the lower world. Greek |
Goddess name "Clairmezin'e" | Haiti | Goddess of rivers Haiti |
God name "Condatis" | Roman / British | God of confluence whose sacred places were wherever two rivers or bodies of water met. Roman / British |
Goddess name "Devona" | Briton | Goddess of the rivers of Devon. Briton |
"Eikthyrnir aka Eikthyrner" | Norse | A hart that stands over Odin's hall (Valhal). From his antlers drops water from which rivers flow. Norse |
Goddess name "Emanjah" | Trinidad | Goddess of rivers and teacher of children. Trinidad |
God name "Enbilulu" | Sumerian | A river god in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates. He was also the deity of canals, irrigation and farming. Sumerian |
God name "Enbilulu" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | River god. In creation mythology he is placed in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates by the god ENKI. He is also god of canals, irrigation and farming. In Babylonian times he becomes the son of EA and is syncretized with ADAD.... |
"Fahfah" | Islam | One of the rivers of Paradise. Islam |
Goddess name "Ganga" | Hindu | Goddess of mercy, cleaning, health, rivers and happiness. Hindu |
"Gjoll" | Norse | One of the rivers Elivagar that flowed nearest the gate of Hel's abode. Norse |
Goddess name "Gum Lin" | China | Goddess of rivers and Bamboo. China |
Goddess name "Gunabibi" | Australian aboriginal | Creator goddess. Also known as Kunapipi, she is extensively revered by aborigines in northern Australia, including the Yolngu people. Her cult bears some similarity to that of the Greek mother goddess DEMETER and to Tantric cults in India. For this reason the cult is thought to have been introduced from Asia to Arnhem Land and then to other parts of the Australian continent as early as the sixth century. Mythology indicates that Gunabibi has been perceived as a deity who came from the sea or the rivers during the Dreamtime but who reigns now over dry land. Among modern aborigines she is the subject of esoteric rituals which also involve the great serpent Yulunggul with whom Gunabibi has been closely involved.... |
"He Bo" | China | Divine ruler of all rivers China |
"He Bo/ Bing Yi" | China | He is the Divine ruler of all rivers |
Hero name "Hell" | Greek | rivers of. Clåśśic authors tell us that the Inferno is encompåśśed by five rivers: Acheron, Cocytus, Styx, Phlegethon, and Lethe. Acheron from the Greek achos-reo, grief-flowing; Cocytus, from the Greek kokuo, to weep, supposed to be a flood of tears; Styx, from the Greek stugeo, to loathe; Phlegethon, from the Greek phleo to burn; and Lethe, from the Greek letle, oblivion. |
God name "Hermus" | Roman | God of rivers Roman |
God name "Ho-Po" | China | God who controls all rivers but in particular, the Yellow River China / Taoist |