
List of Gods : "sky" - 373 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
God name
Sumeria 'He who dwells on the pure mountain' and is sometimes described as a 'shepherd', a son of the sky-god Anu. Sumeria
God name
"Nahuti Ollin Tonatiuh"
Aztec ("Movement of the Sun";) was the Sun god. The Aztec people considered him the leader of Tollan, their heaven. He was also known as the fifth Sun, because the Aztecs believed that he was the Sun that took over when the fourth Sun was expelled from the sky. Aztec
Goddess name
Fon / Benin, West Africa (1) moon goddess. The sister of the Sun god LISA. She is also considered to bestow fertility and motherhood and is generally benevolent in nature.(2) sky god. Ewe [Togo, West Africa]. Among the tribe neighboring the Fon. Mawu is perceived as male and a creator deity. He favors the color white and is also benevolent and generous in nature....
Goddess name
Africa A Chicken hypnotist and a beneficent sky goddess. The Zulu, South Africa
God name
"Bagos Papaios"
Asia Minor A Phrygian sky god. Asia Minor

Greek A Titan that has to hold up the sky forever, he irritated Zeus
King name
Khoi A benevolent deity who lived in the sky, sending Rain for the crops, and speaking with thunder. Khoi
God name
Africa A creator God of the Nyamwezi people of Tanzania in eastern Africa. Despite being the creator and protector of the world, he is distant and has little contact with anyone. It is said that he once lived on earth, but when someone set fire to the landscape he asked a spider to spin him a web to climb up into the sky, where he lives today. He is revered now as a sky god, with thunder as his voice.
God name
West Indies A creator and sky god who make plants grow. West Indies
God name
Egypt A form of the god HORUS. The aspect of the god who rises at dawn in the eastern sky. According to Pyramid Texts, the king is born on the eastern horizon as Harakhti, which contradicts the more commonly held belief that the king is the son of RE, the Sun god....
Supreme god name
Finland A generic name for a major deity. Originally the name given by the Finns to the sky, the sky-god, and the supreme god. Later taivas and Ukko were used as the names for the sky and the sky-god. The word means god and was later used for the Christian God. The origin of the word is unknown – some possible explanations are derivation from Jomali, the supreme deity of the Permians and origination from the Estonian word jume.
God name
"Camaxtli aka Mixcoatl-Camaxtli"
Aztec A god of hunting, war, fate and fire and one of the four creator gods, who made the earth. He leads human sacrifices and warriors who have been slain in battle to the eastern sky, where they become stars. Aztec
God name
Polynesian A god of light, fertility & the sky
God name
Egypt A god of prophecy, healing, music, art, war, victory, light, the north & the sky
God name
Syria A god of storms, thunder and lightning, he also worked part-time as a sky and Sun god and a protecter of the harvest. Syria
God name
Maori / New Zealand A god of the sky
God name
Uganda A god of the sky and of the water and chief god of the Baken. Uganda
God name
"Dazhbog/ Dabog/ Dazbog"
Slavic A god of the sky, wealth & war
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