Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Deimas" | Greek | A son of Dardåñuś and Chryse and brother of Idaeus, who when his family and a part of the Arcadian population emigrated, remained behind in Arcadia. Greek |
God name "Deimos" | Greek | The god of terror & panic |
King name "Deion" | Greek | A son of Aeolus and Enarete, was king in Phocis and husband of Diomede, by whom he became the father of Asteropeia, Aenetus, Actor, Phylacus, and Cephalus. After the death of his brother, Salmoneus, he took his daughter Tyro into his house, and gave her in marriage to Cretheus. His name occurs also in the form Deioneus. Greek |
Book name "Deiphobe" | Greek | A daughter of the seer Glaucus and one of the Cúɱaean Sibyls. (Aeneid Book IV) Greek |
"Deiphobus" | Greek | 1. A son of Priam and Hecabe, was next to Hector the bravest among the Trojans. When Paris, yet unrecognized, came to his brothers, and conquered them all in the contest for his favourite bull, Deiphobus drew his sword against him, and Paris fled to the altar of Zeus Herceius. |
"Deiphontes" | Greek | A son of Antimachus, and husband of Hyrnetho, the daughter of Temenus the Heracleide, by whom he became the father of Antimenes, Xanthippus, Argeius, and Orsobia. |
Supreme god name "Deive" | Latvia | The supreme god. The same word refers to the Christian deity in modern Latvian. In ancient Latvian mythology, Dievs was not just the father of the gods, he was the essence of them all. Latvia |
Goddess name "Dekla" | Latvia | One of a trinity of fate goddesses that included her sisters Karta and Laima. Latvia |
"Delectable Mountains" | s | In Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, are a range of mountains from which the "Celestial City" may be seen. They are in Immanuel's land, and are covered with sheep, for which Immanuel had died. |
Demon name "Delhan" | Arabic | An ostrich riding demoniacal being who inhabits the islands of the seas who eats the flesh of shipwrecked seamen. Arabic |
"Delias" | Greek | The sacred vessel made by Theseus and sent annually from Athens to Delos. This annual festival lasted 30 days, during which no Athenian could be put to death, and as Socrates was condemned during this period his death was deferred till the return of the sacred vessel. The ship had been so often repaired that not a stick of the original vessel remained at the time, yet was it the identical ship. So the body changes from infancy to old age, and though no single particle remains constant, yet the man 6 feet high is identical with his infant body a span long. Greek |
"Delling [Dayspring]" | Norse | The father of Day. Norse |
"Delos" | Greek | A floating island made fast to the bottom of the sea by Poseidon. Apollo having become possessor of it by exchange, made it his favourite retreat. It is one of the Cyclades. |
"Delphian Oracle" | Greek | The most famous oracle in the world. The oracles were given forth by a priestess, the Pythia, who seated herself upon a golden tripod above a chasm, whence issued mephitic vapours. Greek |
"Deluges" | Chinese | The principle ones are: the deluge of Fohi, Chinese. The Satyavrata, of the Indians; the Xisuthrus, of the Assyrians; the Mexican deluge; Noah's Flood and the Greek deluges of Deucalion and Ogyges. |
"Demeter" | Greek | One of the great divinities of the Greeks. The name Demeter is supposed by some to be the same as mother earth, while others consider Deo, which is synonymous with Demeter and as derived from the Cretan word barley, so that Demeter would be the mother or giver of barley or of food generally. Greek |
Goddess name "Demi-Gods" | Greek | The "half-gods", is used to describe mythological figures or heroes such as Hercules, Achilles, Castor and Pollux, etc. Sons of mortals and gods or goddesses, they raised themselves to the standard of gods by their acts of bravery. |
"Demiurge" | Platonists | The mysterious agent which made the world and all that it contains. The Logos or Word spoken of by St. John, in the first chapter of his gospel, is the Demiurgus of Platonising Christians. In the Gnostic systems, Jehovah (as an eon or emanation of the Supreme Being) is the Demiurge. Platonists |