Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Ningizzida" | Sumeria | 'Lord of the Tree of Life'. A fertility god sometimes depicted as a serpent with a human head, but later he became a god of healing and magic. The companion of Dumuzi (Tammuz) with whom it stood at the gate of heaven. Sumeria |
Goddess name "Ningikuga" | Sumeria | ("Lady of the Pure Reed"). A goddess of reeds and marshes. She was one of the consorts of Enki, by whom she became the mother of Ningal, and the daughter of An and Nammu. Sumeria |
God name "Nahuti Ollin Tonatiuh" | Aztec | ("Movement of the Sun") was the Sun god. The Aztec people considered him the leader of Tollan, their heaven. He was also known as the fifth Sun, because the Aztecs believed that he was the Sun that took over when the fourth Sun was expelled from the sky. Aztec |
Goddess name "Nirrti (destruction)" | Hindu / Vedic / Puranic | (1) Destructive goddess of darkness. Known chiefly from the Rg-veda, Nirrti has a generally malignant aspect and is åśśociated with pain, misfortune and death. She is believed to live in the south (the land of the dead). She is dark-skinned, wears dark dress and receives the dark husks of sacrifice. She is feared by many Hindus, whose offerings are frequent and repeated. In later Hinduism, Nirrti changes sex and becomes a dikpala god of terrifying appearance, guarding the southwestern quarter; he has various consorts including Davi, Kalika and Krsnangi. He stands upon a lion, a man or a corpse. Attributes: javelin, shield, staff, sword and teeth.(2) God. Buddhist. A dikpala or guardian. Color: blue. Stands upon a corpse. Attributes: shield and sword.... |
"Niobe" | Greek | 1. A daughter of Phoroneus, and by Zeus the mother of Argus and Pelasgus. In other traditions she is called the mother of Phoroneus and wife of Inachus. 2. A daughter of Tantalus by the Pleiad Taygete or the Hyad Dione, or, according to others, a daughter of Pelops and the wife of Zethus or Alalcomeneus, while Parthenius relates quite a different story, for he makes her a daughter of Assaon and the wife of Philottus, and relates that she entered into a dispute with Leto about the beauty of their respective children. Greek |
"Nireus" | Greek | 1. A son of Charopus and Aglaia, was, next to Achilles, the handsomest among the Greeks at Troy, but unwarlike. He came from the island of Syme (between Rhodes and Cnidus), and commanded only three ships and a small number of men. According to Diodorus he also ruled over a part of Cnidus, and he is said to have been slain by Eurypylus or Aeneias. His beauty became proverbial. |
God name "Namea" | Greek | 1. Mamea was the nymph of the springs of the town of Nemea in Argos and a daughter of the local river-god Asopos. 2. Nemea was possibly identical to Pandeia, a daughter of Zeus by Selene. Greek |
God name "Ninkaranunna" | Mesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / Akkadian | A Barber god |
God name "Nebo" | Assyria | A Chaldean god whose worship was introduced into Assyria by Pul. |
"Nis or Nisse" | Scandinavian | A Kobold or Brownie. A Scandinavian fairy friendly to farmhouses. |
Goddess name "Nascio" | Roman | A Roman divinity, presiding over the birth of children, and accordingly a goddess åśśisting Lucina in her functions, and analogous to the Greek Eileithyia. Roman |
Deities name "Nagaraja" | Hindu | A Sanskrit word from naga (snake) and raj (king) meaning king of Snakes. It is applied to two main deities, Vasuki and Takshak. Vasuki and Takshak are brothers, children of Kashyap and Kadru, who are the parents of all snakes. Hindu |
Goddess name "Nicevenn" | Roman | A Scottish Witch Goddess from the Middle Ages who rides through the night with her followers on Samhain. Her name can be translated as "Divine" or "Brilliant." She is equated with the Roman goddess Diana. |
Planet name "Nirrti" | Srargate | A System Lord who was interested in creating an advanced human, also known as a "hok'taur", to be used as a perfect host. For this purpose, she experimented on humans on several planets. Srargate |
Goddess name "Ninmena" | Mesopotamia / Sumeria | A another mother goddess |
"Na'ininen" | Koryak / Siberia | A benevolent creator being |
Deity name "Nenekicex" | Siberia | A benevolent supreme deity and creator. The Kamchadal, Siberia |
"Neso" | Greek | A child of Nereus and Doris, one of the Nereides (Theogony of Hesiod 261); but Lycophron (1468) mentions one Neso as the mother of the Cúɱaean sibyl. Greek |