
List of Gods : "others" - 188 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Greek Pefa, Pea, Pefy, or Pe. The name as well as the nature of this divinity is one of the most difficult points in ancient mythology. Some consider 'Pea' to be merely another form of pa, the earth, while others connect it with pew, I flow; but thus much seems undeniable, that Rhea, like Demeter, was a goddess of the earth. According to the Hesiodic Theogony, Rhea was a daughter of Uråñuś and Ge, and accordingly a sister of Oceåñuś, Coeus, Hyperion, Crius, lapetus, Theia, Themis, and Mnemosyne. Greek
God name
"Rongerik and Rongelap"
Islands Brothers gods of the Marshall Islands.
God name
Maori God of cultivated plants. Rongo, with his brothers Tu, Tane, Tawhirimatea, Tangaroa, and Haumia-tiketike, separated the primordial parents Rangi and Papa to allow daylight into the world. Maori
Goddess name
Roman Rumillia or Rumia, goddess who protected breastfeeding mothers, and possibly nursing infants. Her domain extended to protecting animal mothers, not just human ones. Roman
Goddess name
"Santa (appeased)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. A SAKTI who is one of a group of both SAPTAMATARA and ASTAMATARA mothers. Also CAMUNDA....
Monster name
Roman The Trojan Phoenodamas (others call him Hippotes, Ippoteus or Ipsostratus) had three daughters. When he was to be compelled by Laomedon to expose one of them to the marine monster which was ravaging the country, he called the people together and induced them to compel Laomedon, whose guilt had brought the monster into the country, to expose his own daughter Hesione. Roman
Goddess name
Greek Also called Mene, a female divinity presiding over the months, or Latin Luna, was the goddess of the moon, or the moon personified into a Divine being. She is called a daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and accordingly a sister of Helios and Eos (Theogony 371 ; Apollodorus; Argonautica) ; but others speak of her as a daughter of Hyperion by Euryphaessa, or of Pallas, or of Zeus and Latona, or lastly of Helios. Greek
Nymph name
Greek It is remarked in the article Satyrus, that the older Satyrs were generally termed Sileni, but one of these Sileni is commonly the Silenus, who always acts a prominent part in the retinue of Dionysus, from whom he is inseparable, and whom he is said to have brought up and instructed. Like the other Satyrs he is called a son of Hermes, but others call him a son of Pan by a nymph, or of Gaea. Greek

Greek Or Sinnis a son of Polypemon, Pemon or Poseidon by Sylea, the daughter of Corinthus. He was surnamed according to some Pityocamptes, and according to others Procrustes. Sinis was called the Pine-Bender because this was his manner of executing his victims and used to ask travellers to help him bend two pine trees to the ground. Greek

Greek A surname of Apollo, which is derived by some from a mouse, and by others from the town of Sminthe in Troas. The mouse was regarded by the ancients as inspired by the vapours arising from the earth, and as the symbol of prophetic power. Greek

George Michael, St. George, St. Margaret, Pope Sylvester, St. Samson (Archbishop of Dol), Donatus (fourth century), St. Clement of Metz, and many others, killed dragons.
King name
Greek A man of bråśś, the work of Hephaestus. This wonderful being was given to Minos by Zeus or Hephaestus, and watched the island of Crete by walking round the island thrice every day. Whenever he saw strangers approaching, he made himself red-hot in fire, and then embraced the strangers when they landed. He had in his body only one vein, which ran from the head to the ankles, and was closed at the top with a nail. When he attempted to keep the Argonauts from Crete by throwing stones at them, Medeia by her magic powers threw him into a state of madness, or, according to others, under the pretence of making him immortal, she took the nail out of his vein and thus caused him to bleed to death. Greek

Greek Son of Zeus by Pluto, or according to others a son of Tmolus. His wife is called by some Euryanåśśa, by others Taygete or Dione, and by others Clytia or Eupryto. He was the father of Pelops, Broteas, and Niobe. Greek

Greek Daughter of Uråñuś, others say Helios, and Ge, was married to Zeus, by whom she became the mother of the Horae, Eunomia, Dice (Astraea), Eirene, and the Moerae. In the Homeric poems, Themis is the personification of the Greek
Demon name
Greek A son of Ares and demonice or Androdice, and, according to others, a son of Agenor and a grandson of Pleuron, the king of Aetolia. Greek

Greek A son of Laomedon, and brother of Priam or according to others a brother of Laomedon. Others, again, call him a son of Cephalus and Eos. Greek

Greek a son of Gaea, or of Zeus and Elara, the daughter of Orchomenus, was a giant in Euboea, and the father of Europa. (Apollodorus i. 4) Instigated by Hera, he made an åśśault upon Leto or Artemis, when she påśśed through Panopaeus to Pytho, but was killed by the arrows of Artemis or Apollo, or, according to others, Zeus killed him with a flash of lightning.

Greek Son of Poseidon and Canace, a daughter of Aeolus or of Helios and Rhodos, and the father of Iphimedeia and Erysichthon, he is also called the father of Pelasgus. He expelled the Pelasgians from the Dotian plain, but was himself obliged to emigrate, and went to Caria, where he founded Cnidus on the Triopian promontory. His son Erysichthon was punished by Demeter with insatiable hunger, because he had violated her sacred grove but others relate the same of Triopas himself. Greek
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