Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Supreme god name "Armaz" | George | The supreme god & a warrior deity pre Christian style |
Angel name "Dragon" | Christian | dragon in Christian art symbolises Satan or sin. In the pictures of St. Michael and St. Margaret it typifies their conquest over sin. Similarly, when represented at the feet of Christ and the Virgin Mary. The conquest of St. George and St. Silvester over a dragon means their triumph over paganism. In the pictures of St. Martha it means the inundation of the Rhone, spreading pestilence and death; similarly, St. Romåñuś delivered Rouen from the inundation of the Seine, and Apollo's conquest of the python means the same thing. St. John the Evangelist is sometimes represented holding a chalice, from which a winged dragon is issuing. |
"Dragon's Hill" | Britain | Berkshire is where the legend says St. George killed the dragon. A bare place is shown on the hill, where nothing will grow, and there the blood of the dragon ran out. Britain |
"Green Dragon" | George | A public-house sign in compliment to St. George. |
Spirit name "Kalyb" | Britain | The "Lady of the Woods," who stole St. George from his nurse, brought him up as her own child, and endowed him with gifts. St. George enclosed her in a rock, where she was torn to pieces by spirits. Britain |
"Kederli" | George | The St. George of Mahometan mythology. He slew a monstrous dragon to save a damsel exposed to its fury, and, having drunk of the water of life, rode about the world to aid those warriors who invoked him. |
"Ormandine" | Christian | The necromancer who by his magic arts threw St. David for seven years into an enchanted sleep, from which he was redeemed by St. George. Christian |
Spirit name "Osmand" | George | A necromancer who by his enchantments raised up an army to resist the Christians. six of the Champions of Christendom were enchanted by Osmand, but St. George restored them. Osmand tore off his hair in which lay his spirit of enchantment, bit his tongue in two, disembowelled himself, cut off his arms, and then died. |
Monster name "Pongo" | George | The terrible monster of Sicily. A cross between a "land-tiger and sea-shark." He devoured five hundred Sicilians, and left the island for twenty miles round without inhabitant. This amphibious monster was slain by the three sons of St. George. |
"Saint George" | British | Saint George Patron saint of England and the Christian adaptation of the dragon slaying legends of Bel and the dragon, Apollo and Python, Osiris and Typhon, etc. British |
"St" | George | Michael, St. George, St. Margaret, Pope Sylvester, St. Samson (Archbishop of Dol), Donatus (fourth century), St. Clement of Metz, and many others, killed dragons. |
King name "Una" | Christian | Truth, so called because truth is one. She starts with St. George on his adventure, and being driven by a storm into "Wandering Wood," retires for the night to Hypocrisy's cell. St. George quits the cell, leaving Una behind. In her search for him she is caressed by a lion, who afterwards attends her. She next sleeps in the hut of Superstition, and next morning meets Hypocrisy dressed as St. George. As they journey together Sansloy meets them, exposes Hypocrisy, kills the lion, and carries off Una on his steed to a wild Forest. Una fills the air with her shrieks, and is rescued by the fauns and satyrs, who attempt to worship her, but, being restrained, pay adoration to her åśś. She is delivered from the satyrs and fauns by Sir Satyrane, and is told by Archimago that St. George is dead, but subsequently hears that he is the captive of Orgoglio. She goes to king Arthur for aid, and the king both slays Orgoglio and rescues the knight. Una, now takes St. George to the house of Holiness, where he is carefully nursed, and then leads him to Eden, where their union is consummated. Spenser: Faerie queene |
God name "Usins" | Latavia | An astral god that was affiliated with both the morning & evening star, he sidelined with beekeepers & spring until the Christians showed up and then he became St. George |
God name "Usins" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Astral god. Associated with both the morning and evening star and also has links with bee-keepers and spring. Under Christian influence he becomes absorbed into the figure of St. George.... |