Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Ndaula" | Bunyoro / Uganda, East Africa | Plague god. Particularly åśśociated with smallpox. His shrines are usually situated on the edge of a community and on the frontiers of the tribal land so that he may be invoked to keep the disease in neighboring territory.... |
God name "Ne'nenkicex" | Kamchadal / southeastern Siberia | Creator god. The name given to the Christian god by the Kamchadals under influence of the Russian Orthodox church.... |
Goddess name "Nekhbet" | Egypt / Upper | Local mother goddess. Known from Nekhab (el-Kab), she is generally depicted in the form of a vulture with one or both wings spread and holding the symbols of eternity in her talons. Nekhbet is known from at least 3000 BC and is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts as the great white cowa familiar epithet in respect of Egyptian mother or creator goddesses.... |
"Nemean Lion" | Greek | The first of the labours of Hercules was to kill the Nemean lion (of Argolis), which kept the people in constant alarm. Its skin was so tough that his club made no impression on the beast, so Hercules caught it in his arms and squeezed it to death. He ever after wore the skin as a mantle. Greek |
Supreme god name "Neo" | Iroquois | The supreme god, the Great spirit of Life. The Iroquois, Eastern Unites States |
Goddess name "Net/ Neith" | Egypt | A goddess of the east, women, sorcery, the home, war, hunting, weaving |
God name "Ngai" | Africa | The name of the High God. Kikuyu, East Africa |
God name "Ngai" | Kikuyu / Masai / East Africa | Creator god. The name given to a single god in the heavens, influenced by the spread of Christianity. He is also perceived as, and may have evolved from, a weather god whose presence is symbolized by lightning.... |
Spirit name "Nguruhi" | Africa | The all-powerful but remote supreme being and creator who controls the elements and human destiny, but leaves daily occurrences to the influence of the ancestor spirits. The Wahehe, East Africa |
"Nicor" | Scandinavian | A sea-devil, in Scandinavian mythology, who eats sailors. It was three fathoms long, with the body of a bison-bull, and the head of a cat, the beard of a man, and tusks an ell long, lying down on its breast. |
Goddess name "Ninmah" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Mother goddess. Probably an early syncretization with Ninhursaga a. Identified in creation texts acting as midwife while the mother goddess Nammu makes different kinds of human individuals from lumps of clay at a feast given by Enki to celebrate the creation of humankind. Also regarded as the mother of the goddess Uttu by Enki.See also Ninhursagaa.... |
Spirit name "Nu'tenut" | Chukchee / eastern Siberia | earth spirit. The owner of the world who sits in a large house built of iron. He is surrounded by the spirits of Sun, moon, sky, sea, dawn, darkness and world who are suitors for his daughter (unnamed).... |
Spirit name "Nu'tenut Chukchee" | East | earth spirit who is the owner of the world Siberia(East) |
Goddess name "Nyavirezi" | Rwanda / central Africa | Lion goddess. According to legend she was originally a mortal daughter of the tribal chief. While walking, she was trans formed into a lioness. Though returning to human form, she occasionally became leonine again and, in this guise, slew at least one husband who discovered her secret.... |
God name "Nzambi" | Bakongo / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa | Creator god. He created the first mor tal pair or, in alternative tradition, an androgy nous being in the guise of a palm tree called Muntu Walunga (the complete person). He also endowed this being with intelligence. In wooden sculptures the tree bears a woman's head and breast on one side and a bearded face on the other. Eventually the tree divided into two sepa rate sexes. Also Nyambi; Nzambe; Yambe; Zambi.... |
Monster name "Ogres" | Europe | Of nursery mythology are giants of very malignant dispositions, who live on human flesh. It is an Eastern invention, and the word is derived from the Ogurs, a desperately savage horde of Asia, who overran part of Europe in the fifth century. Others derived it from Orcus, the ugly, cruel man-eating monster so familiar to readers of Bojardo and Ariosto. The female is Ogress. |
Spirit name "Oi" | Suk / western Kenya, East Africa | Sickness god. A spirit of personal illness rather than plague. The sick person's house is emptied and the priest exorcizes Oi out of the dwelling.... |
God name "Omacati" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor god of feasting and revelry. One of the group clåśśed as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex. Also (2)Acatl.... |