
List of Gods : "Scandinavian" - 48 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Scandinavian Gods of benevolence. Scandinavian

"Balmung or Gram"
Scandinavian The sword of Siegfried, forged by Wieland, the Vulcan of the Scandinavians. Wieland, in a trial of merit, clove Amilias, a brother smith, through steel helmet and armour, down to the waist; but the cut was so fine that Amilias was not even aware that he was wounded till he attempted to move, when he fell into two pieces. Scandinavian

"Bergelmir aka Bergelmer"
Scandinavian A frost-giant, father of the Jotuns, or second dynasty of giants, son of Thrudgelmer and grandson of Aurgelmer. Scandinavian

"Bleidablik [vast splendour]"
Scandinavian The abode of Baldur, the Scandinavian Apollo.

Scandinavian Freyja's necklace made by the fairies. Freyja left her husband Odin in order to obtain this necklace; and Odin deserted her because her love was changed into vanity. It is not possible to love Brisingamen and Odin too, for no one can serve two masters.

Scandinavian The first woman, and sister of Borr, the father of Odin. Scandinavian
God name
"Descended into hell"
Greek Means the place of the dead. (Anglo-Saxon, helan, to cover or conceal, like the Greek "Hades," the abode of the dead, from the verb a-cido, not to see. In both cases it means "the unseen world"; or "the world concealed from sight." The god of this nether world was called "Hades" by the Greeks, and "Hel" or "Hela" by the Scandinavians. In some counties of England to cover in with a roof is "to hell the building," and thatchers or tilers are termed "helliers."
Hero name
"Dwarf Alberich"
Scandinavian Is the guardian of the famous "hoard" won by Siegfried from the Nibelungs. The dwarf is twice vanquished by the hero, who gets possession of his Tarn-kappe (cloak of invisibility). Nibelungen Lied
Deities name
Scandinavian The deities who conduct the souls of the deceased to the palace of Odin. Scandinavian

Scandinavian Brother of Weland, the Vulcan of Northern mythology. Egil was a great archer, and his tale is the exact counterpart of the famous fable about William Tell.

Scandinavian Whilst ourneying toward Paradise he came to a stone bridge guarded by a dragon and, on entering its mouth, found that he had arrived in a world of bliss. Scandinavian

Scandinavian A cold venomous stream which issued from Niflheim, and in the abyss called the Ginnunga Gap, hardening into layer upon layer of ice. Scandinavian

Scandinavian Elle-Women, Elle-Folk, Scandinavian fairies.
God name
Scandinavian The first person of the Scandinavian Trinity, which consists of Har (the Mighty), the Like Mighty, and the Third Person. This Trinity is called "The Mysterious Three," and they sit on three thrones above the Rainbow. The next in order are the Aesir, of which Odin, the chief, lives in Asgard, on the heavenly hills between earth and the Rainbow. The third order is the Vanir - the gods of the ocean, air, and clouds - of which Van Niord is the chief. Har has already påśśed his ninth incarnation; in his tenth he will take the forms first of a peaçõçk, and then of a horse, when all the followers of Mahomet will be destroyed.
Goddess name
"Hel or Hela"
Scandinavian queen of the dead, is goddess of the ninth earth or nether world. She dwelt beneath the roots of the sacred ash (yggdrasil), and was the daughter of Loki. The All-father sent her into Helheim, where she was given dominion over nine worlds, and to one or other of these nine worlds she sends all who die of sickness or old age. Her dwelling is Elvidnir (dark clouds), her dish Hungr (hunger), her knife Sullt (starvation), her servants Ganglati (tardy-feet), her bed Kor (sickness), and her bed-curtains Blikiandabol (splendid misery). Half her body was blue. Scandinavian
Goddess name
Scandinavian Mother earth. Worshipped by all the Scandinavian tribes with orgies and mysterious rites, celebrated in the dark. Her veiled statue was transported from district to district by cows which no hand but the priest's was allowed to touch. Tacitus calls this goddess Cybele.

"Hrim Thursar"
Norse A new race begat by the only man and woman to survive the Great Flood. All Norse traced their descent to the Hrim Thursar, or "Hoar Frost." Scandinavian

Scandinavian Iormungandr. The Midgard serpent. The serpent that encompåśśes the whole earth. Scandinavian
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