Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Tzu Sun Niangniang" | China | The mother goddess that has a protective role, She had been the wife of a mortal |
Goddess name "Tzu Sun Niangniang" | Chinese | Mother goddess. One of the nine dark ladies of the pantheon who are regarded as having a protective role. She was the mortal wife of a minor official and, having borne him five sons and two daughters, committed suicide in order to ensure her future chastity. She is invoked at weddings to provide children, especially sons, and special cakes are eaten by the bride and groom. One of her more famous sanctuaries, on the island of Taiwan, is the Yin Yang Stone.... |
Goddess name "Usas" | Hindu / Vedic | Goddess of the dawn. The daughter of Dyaus and, according to some texts, the consort of the Sun god SURYA. An auspicious deity, Usas brings the dawn, heralding Surya, and drives away darkness. She is the all-seeing eye of the gods. In the Rg Veda she is depicted as a beautiful young virginal figure who rides in a hundred chariots. She sets all things in motion and can render strength and fame to her devotees. In addition to being perceived as a sky goddess, she is also drawn as a mother goddess in the guise of a cow. Epithets include mother of the gods and mother of cows. She is invoked to give the boon of longevity, but a more malignant aspect reveals her as a huntress who wastes human life. Usas sometimes enjoys a domestic worship as a guardian hearth goddess who drives away darkness and evil spirits. She disappears, however, from the later traditions of Hinduism.... |
Goddess name "Usnisavijaya (victorious)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | Primordial goddess. Form of VAIROCANA, widely worshiped in Tibet. Regarded as a female BODHISATTVA or buddbadesignate, and a dikpala or guardian of the zenith direction. Also a deification of literature. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, image of the BUDDHA on a lotus leaf, jewel, noose, prayer wheel, staff and waterjar. Three-eyed, three-headed and with eight arms.... |
Goddess name "Vac (speech)" | Hindu / Vedic | Goddess of the spoken word. In some texts she is a daughter of DAKSA and consort of KASYAPA. Alternatively she is the daughter of Ambhrna. Also known by the epithet queen of the gods, Vac is the personification of the phenomenon of speech and oral communication. She gives the boon of hearing, speech and sight and she can lead a man to become a Brahman. She also personifies truth and sustains somathe liquid essence of vision and immortality. She is said to have created the four Vedas, the basis of the earliest Hindu mythology.... |
Goddess name "Vaga" | s | Sabra, goddess of the Severn, being a prudent, well-conducted maiden, rose with the first streak of morning dawn, and, descending the eastern side of the hill, made choice of the most fertile valleys, whilst as yet her sisters slept. Vaga, goddess of the Wye, rose next, and, making all haste to perform her task, took a shorter course, by which means she joined her sister ere she reached the sea. The goddess Rhea, old Plinlimmon's pet, woke not till roused by her father's chiding; but by bounding down the side of the mountain, and selecting the shortest course of all, she managed to reach her destination first. Thus the Cymric proverb, There is no impossibility to the maiden who hath a fortune to lose or a husband to win." Welsh |
Goddess name "Venus" | Greek | The goddess of love among the Romans, and more especially of sensual love. Previously to her identification with the Greek Aphrodite, she was one of the least important divinities in the religion of the Romans, and it is observed by the ancients themselves, that her name was not mentioned in any of the doçúɱents relating to the kingly period of Roman history. |
Goddess name "Viraj" | Hindu / Vedic | Primordial goddess. Identified as the active female creative principle in the Rg Veda.... |
Goddess name "Vrtra" | Hindu / Vedic | demonic god of chaos. A primordial being who existed before the formation of the cosmos and who was slain by the mother goddess SARASVATI.... |
Goddess name "Waka-H ru-Me" | Shinto / Japan | Sun goddess. Arguably the younger sister of the great Shinto Sun goddess AMATERASU, or an early manifestation, she is åśśociated with the morning Sunrise. Also involved with weaving the garments of the KAMI.... |
Goddess name "Wari Ma Te Takere" | Polynesia | wari Ma Te Takere, Coconut shell goddess. wari symbolizes the fertile slime of primordial times and means mud. Polynesia |
Goddess name "Xi-Wang-mu" | Chinese | Goddess of immortality. Chinese |
Goddess name "Xiwangmu" | Chinese | The Daoist Goddess of Immortality, owner of the heavenly Peach Garden, and the queen of Paradise. Chinese |
Goddess name "Xochiquetzal" | Aztec / classi cal Mesoamerican / Mexico | Goddess of fertility and childbirth. The mother of the demigoddess (unnamed) whose consort was Piltz intecuhtli and who engendered the first mortals Oxomoco and CIPACTONAL. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. A popular deity among Aztec women, the goddess is invoked particularly to make a marriage fruitful. The bride plaits her hair and coils it around, leaving two plumes representing the feathers of the Quetzal which is sacred to Xochiquetzal. Pottery figurines are adorned with plumes of feathers. Worshiped at various sites, including Tula (Hidalgo). Also recognized as the patron goddess of weavers.... |
Goddess name "Yama (1) (twin; alternatively the restrainer)" | Hindu / Vedic | God of death. The son of Vavasvan and Saranju, or of SURYA and SANJNA, his consort is DHUMORNA or YAMI. Yama is also the judge of the dead and the twin sibling of Yami, goddess of death. When KRSNA is perceived as the embodiment of the cosmos, his eye-teeth are Yama. He evolved into a dikpala or guardian of the southerly direction. His animal is a black buffalo. Color: black.... |
Goddess name "Yhi" | Australian aboriginal | Sun goddess and bringer of light. She is said to have been jointly responsible, with BAIAME, for the creation of humankind and in particular for the Karraur group of aborigines. Mythology records that she was asleep in the darkness of the primordial Dreamtime until she was awakened by a loud roaring or whistling noise from Baiame. As she opened her eyes the world became light and as she walked the earth plants grew in her footprints, to be followed by animals and, finally, humankind.... |
Goddess name "Zhiwud" | Kafir / Afghanistan | Messenger goddess. A deity connected and possibly syncretizing with the goddess DISANI but who, according to legend, carried vital messages to the heroic god MON during a primordial battle between gods and giants. Mon lives by a lake surrounded by fire, and the goddess's wings (a solitary inference that she can appear in the form of a bird) are scorched in the process until Mon heals them. In some variations Mon lives in the form of a bull which breathes fire. Also Zhuwut.... |
Goddess name "Zoria" | Slavic | The three Slavic dawn goddesses. Utrennyaya was the morning star, Vechernyaya the evening star, and Polunochnaya the midnight star. Their duty was to guard a chained dog who continually tries to break loose and eat the constellation Ursa Minor, the bear. If this should happen, the universe would end. |