
List of Gods : "God Rig" - 323 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Egypt Chthonic underworld god. Guardian deity of the necropolis at Memphis with possible fertility connotations and with strong links to OSIRIS beside whom he is also perceived as a restored god of the dead. He is also syncretized with the Memphis creator god PTAH in the Old kingdom (circa 4500 BC), where he may have originated as a god of various crafts åśśociated with the manufacture of funerary trappings. He is depicted either as a hawk on a boat, or in human form with the head of a hawk and an elaborate atef crown (see Osiris). Sokar also enjoyed a major cult at Thebes where, in an annual festival celebrating the healthy continuation of the Divine kingship, he was conveyed in an elaborate barque. Also Sokaris (Greek)....
Supreme god name
"Sol (1)"
Roman Sun god. Known by the full title of Sol Indiges, meaning “the indigenous Sol,” which may suggest a purely Roman cult on the Quirinal Hill, but there are also inferences that this deity is of more ancient origin. Coins from southern Italy depicting the god with a radiate image date back to circa 200 BC but he rose to particular prominence during the republican period. His festival was celebrated annually on August 9. Nero had a huge statue of himself, as Sol, erected in Rome and the emperor Aurelian elevated Sol to supreme god in the Roman pantheon when Jupiter Conservator gave way to Sol Invictus (the unconquered Sun). Sol may sometimes be linked with AURORA, the goddess of dawn....
God name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic God. Aspect of the god SIVA. Of uncertain origin, but possibly representing a composite trio of Siva with his consort UMA (PARVATI) and his son SKANDA (as a boy). Four-armed. Attributes of Siva: ax, corpse and hatchet. Attribute of Uma: lotus. Attributes of Skanda: Book, headdress, mango fruit and ornament....
Goddess name
"Sri(devi) (prosperity)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic (1) Goddess. An early name which was syncretized with that of LAKSMI to form Sri-Laksmi.(2) Goddess. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire who protect the Dalai Lama. A manifestation of the goddess DEVI sometimes seen in company with VIS NU, when conventionally she stands on his right. Her breasts are covered by a narrow band of cloth. She may be invoked to provide wealth (see also Laksmi). Her retinue includes the goddesses of the seasons and her animal is a mule. Color: blue. Attributes: chiefly cup and staff but on occasion several other objects including a pink lotus. Three-eyed and may be three-headed. Also LHA MO.(3) Goddess. Jain....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Collective name for water gods. These deities are worshiped at shrines at the sources of irrigation canals, lakes and ponds. They are depicted as snakes, eels and fish and invoked particularly by women. Chief among them is the goddess MIZU-HA-NO-ME....
Planet name
"Sukra (bright)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Astral god. The personification of the planet Venus and the tutor of the demons. He may, on occasion, be represented as female, owing to the fact that he was once made to swallow his attendant Kaca and then restore him to life. Color: white. Rides in a golden or silver chariot drawn by eight or ten horses. Attributes: Book, prayer wheel, purse, staff, treasure and waterjar....
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic She was called Brigantia by the Britons; and later Saint Brighid (after Christianity). She is also a deity concerned with knowledge and prophecy. The tutelary Goddess of the thermal waters at Bath, England, she is closely linked with the Roman Goddess Minerva. Roman / Celtic
Deities name
Hindu Originally solar deities. Used in the Vedas for gods in general, equivalent to devas. Hindu
God name
"Surarigama (bright colored)"
Buddhist / Mahayana God. A BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. Color: white. Attribute: sword....
God name
"Survarriabhadravimalaratriaprabhasa (the bright, pure jewel splendor)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Physician god. Accounted as one of a series of Medicine buddhas or SMAN-BLA. Typically depicted with stretched earlobes. Color: yellowish white....
God name
Hittite / Hurrian weather god. Of Hurrian origin, but incorporated into the Hittite state pantheon. Identified on the seal of a Hittite / Egyptian treaty between Hattusilis II and Rameses II in 1271 BC. Probably another name for the god TESUB....
Spirit name
Slavic The Slavic Sun God and spirit of fire. His name means bright and clear.
Goddess name
"Syria Dea"
De the Syrian goddess, a name by which the Syrian Astarte or Aphrodite is sometimes designated. This Astarte was a Syrian divinity, resembling in many points the Greek Aphrodite, and it is not improbable that the latter was originally the Syrian Astarte, the opinions concerning whom were modified after her introduction into Greece; for there can be no doubt that the worship of Aphrodite came from the East to Cyprus, and thence was carried into the south of Greece. Lucian, De Syria Dea
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Snake god. His consorts include the snake goddesses Mantya, Tuknampa and Uka. He is revered mainly by tribal groups living on the western seaboard of the Cape York peninsula in northern queensland. Taipan has the typical attributes of many other Australian snake gods, including the Rainbow snake. He exercises judgment over life or death and possesses great wisdom, a universal characteristic of serpents. He is able to kill or cure and is the deity who originally fashioned the blood of living things during the Dreamtime. The imagery of the snake god is closely linked with aboriginal shamanism and with the healing rituals of shamans....
God name
Polynesian / Hervey Islamds / The third child of the primordial mother VARI - MA - TETAKERE, he was plucked from her right side / lived in Enua - Kura, the land of the red parrot feather immediately below the home of TINIRAU in the world coconut God. Ta'ngwanla'na (greatest one in the sea)...
Goddess name
"Tara (power of hunger)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic (1) Goddess. May originally have had astral connotations, since the word can be interpreted as “star.” One of a group of MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI of SI IVA. She may also be the consort of CANDRA (SOMA). Aspects include Krodharatri. Attributes: knife, skin, skull, snakes and sword. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana and Vajrayana). An epithet of the mother of the BUDDHA, Maya. Also one of a series of female deities, the DHYANIBUDDHASAKTI considered to be aspects of the Sakti of AVALOKITESVARA or of AMOGASHIDDHI. She may also be the Sakti of ADIBIDDHA and of the various DHYANIBUDDHAS, in which case she is characterized by their colors. These Taras thus become “White Tara” and so on.See also BHRKUTI, EKAJATA, KURUKULLA, SITATARA and SYAMATARA. In Tibetan Buddhism she is known as sGrol-ma....
God name
Hittite / Hurrian weather god. Known from inscriptions and equating with ISIKUR. Probably of Hurrian origin.See also TARHUNT; TELEPINU....
God name
"Tarvos Trigaranos"
Gaul Bull god of Gaul
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