
List of Gods : "Heli" - 405 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Naeeeegaaei (slayer of alien gods)"
Navaho / USA God of war. The most powerful of the Navaho war gods. The son of the Sun god TSOHANOAI and the fertility goddess ESTSANATLEHI. According to tradition, he vanquished a race of giants who had nearly destroyed the human race. He is a benevolent god, ready to help mankind in times of trouble. He also cures diseases brought about through witchcraft. Said to live at the junction of two rivers in the San Juan valley, he is invoked by warriors preparing for battle. His priest wears a buckskin bag mask, painted black and adorned with five zigzag lightning streaks, the eye and mouth holes covered with white sea shells. He also wears a fox skin collar, a crimson cloth around the hips and a leather belt with silver ornamentation, but is otherwise naked. No depictions are made of this deity....
Demon name
Mesopotamia A hellish deity, god of death, and the messenger of An, Ereshkigal, and Nergal, considered responsible for diseases and pests. It was said that he commanded sixty diseases in the form of demons that could penetrate different parts of the human body. Mesopotamia
Goddess name
Babylon A goddess of widows, orphans and the poor. She stood for social justice and turned no one away so long as they were worthy of help. Babylon
God name
Melanesia / Vanuatu Creator god. As in many comparable legends, he created the world inside the shell of a mussel. He engendered a son from sand and water who, in turn, created the Sun and moon from his father's eyes, rocks from his flesh and bones and mankind from his spine....
Goddess name
Hindu Generic title of a group of goddesses. The nine MATARAS or mothers. In southern India they are considered virgin goddesses and are held in higher esteem that the comparable group of SAPTAMATARAS....
Goddess name
Egypt Local primordial goddess. She was worshiped in Heliopolis and is a female counterpart to the Sun god ATUM in creation mythology. Specifically she is the hand with which he grasped his śéméñ to self-create the cosmos....

S America The queen of the Dead moon Circus who is trapped within a mirror and searching for the legendary Golden Crystal, which will allow Nehellenia to break free of her entrapment and take over the earth. Sailor moon
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic Goddess of seafarers. Worshiped extensively between the second and thirteenth centuries AD, particularly in the Netherlands with sanctuaries at Domberg at the mouth of the Rhine and Colijnsplaat on the Scheldt. Probably began as a tribal deity of the Morini tribe. She is generally depicted with the attributes of fertility—a basket of fruit or cornucopia. She may also often have a small lapdog. Alternatively, she stands with one foot on the prow of a boat and grasps an oar or the rope....
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of justice and revenge. The dreaded deity who, with the Furies, is responsible for transporting the souls of the guilty to Tartarus. She is also described as the deification of indignation. Her presence may be symbolized by the fabulous winged griffon. Her cult was predominantly at Rhamnus (Attica), where a magnificent temple was built in her honor in the fifth century BC, and in Smyrna. She also had a temple at Iconium in Asia Minor. According to legend, ZEUS raped her and she bore HELEN in consequence. In certain respects she provides a parallel with the goddess ERINYS. Her cult became one of morality....
Nymph name
s One of Diana's nymphs.
Goddess name
"Nephthys [Greek]"
Egypt Funerary goddess. Nephthys is the younger sister of ISIS, OSIRIS and SETH, who are the offspring of the chthonic god GEB and the sky goddess NUT in the Ennead genealogy of Egyptian deities defined by the priests of Heliopolis. Nephthys is depicted in human form wearing a crown in the style of the hieroglyphic for a mansion, the translation of her Egyptian name. She can also take the form of a hawk watching over the funeral bier of Osiris. According to legend Nephthys liaised briefly with Osiris and bore the mortuary god ANUBIS. She is said to guide the dead Egyptian ruler through the dark underworld and to weep for him. Also Neb-hut (Egyptian)....
Demon name
Hebrew Few if any Biblical uses of "Baal" refer to Hadad, the lord over the åśśembly of gods on the holy mount of heaven, but rather refer to any number of local spirit-deities worshipped as cult images, each called baal and regarded as an "idol". Therefore, in any text using the word baal it is important first to determine precisely which god, spirit or demon is meant.
Angel name
Nazorean Ned-vay (and Silmai) - Two angelic ones who make baptisms valid on a spiritual level. heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans in becoming pure. "He who established prayers." Signs with the pure sign in baptism. Early Nazorean

German Kind busy-body. Little creatures not unlike the Scotish brownie and German kobold. They wear a red cap, and are ever ready to lend a helping hand to the industrious and thrifty. "Another tribe of water-fairies are the Nixes, who frequently åśśume the appearance of beautiful maidens."- T. F. T. Dyer: Folk-lore of plants
Deities name
"Nsab and Anan-Ns'ab"
Nazorean Nsab means the implanter or impregnator, Anan Nsab means spouse of the planter. Fertility deities. heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans in implanting righteousness, goodness and virtue within others. Early Nazorean

Santeria Came down from heaven to the earth with a sea-shell, guinea hen, sand and a chicken. Obtala poured the sand on the waters, and dropped the hen on the earth. The hen scratched the sand and created earth's first land måśś. Santeria
Supreme god name
Yoruba The son of the supreme God Olodumare or Olorun, and was sent by him from heaven to create the earth. Descending from the heavens via a chain let down to Ile Ife, Oduduwa brought with him a chicken, some soil in a snail shell, and a calabash. After throwing the soil upon the waters, he set the çõçk on the soil who in turn scratched and scattered it around to create the rest of dry land that became the earth's surface. Yoruba
Supreme god name
Yoruba The son of the supreme God Olodumare or Olorun, and was sent by him from heaven to create the earth. Descending from the heavens via a chain let down to Ile Ife, Oduduwa brought with him a chicken, some soil in a snail shell, and a calabash. After throwing the soil upon the waters, he set the çõçk on the soil who in turn scratched and scattered it around to create the rest of dry land that became the earth's surface. Yoruba
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