Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Abu" | Mesopotamia | Minor plant and vegetation god who sprung from head of Enki Mesopotamia |
God name "Abu" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Minor vegetation god. Said to have sprung from the head of the god ENKI, thus symbolizing plants emerging from the earth's soil.... |
God name "Akras" | Finland | The god of fertility and the protector of plants, especially the turnip. |
Goddess name "Amma" | Africa | Creator god. He first created the Sun from a clay pot and coils of copper and the moon using a clay pot and bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. He then proceeded to cirçúɱsise the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill and their first offspring was a jackal. She then got pregnant by Rain and produced plants. He then became the father of mankind. Dogon Mali, West Africa |
Goddess name "Amma (2)" | Dogon / Mali, West Africa | Creator god. He first created the Sun by baking a clay pot until it was white hot and coiling a band of copper around it eight times. He created the moon in similar fashion but used bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. Later, having cirçúɱcised the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill, he impregnated her and produced the first creature, a jackal. Next he fertilized her with Rain to engender plant life and finally became the father of mankind.... |
Goddess name "Atete" | Kafa / Ethiopia, northeastern Africa | Fertility goddess. She was åśśimilated into the Christian cult of the Virgin Mary, but is probably the subject of an ancient fertility rite performed by women who collect various sacred plants and throw them into the river. The festival is known as Astar yo Mariam (Epiphany of Mary).... |
Goddess name "Atropos" | Pre - Homeric Greek | Goddess of fate. According to Hesiod, one of the daughters of ZEUS and THEMIS. One of an ancient trio of MOIRAI with LACHESIS and KLOTHO. She is responsible for the final part of a mortal life, the unturning inevitability of death, and she is depicted holding a pair of scales. The name of the plant Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade) derives from her.... |
God name "Attis" | Roman | A god of plants |
Goddess name "Axo-Mama" | South American Indian / Peru | Goddess of potato crops. A model of this minor deity was made out of parts of the plant as a harvest fetish and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good potato harvest.... |
God name "Basamum" | Arabia | The god of healing in pre-Islamic South Arabia. His name may be derived from the proto-Arabic basam, or balsam, a plant that was used in ancient Medicines. |
God name "Basamum" | Pre Islamic southern Arabian | God of healing. The name probably derives from the remedial plant balsam.... |
Hero name "Belus" | Greek | A son of Poseidon by Libya or Eurynome. He was a twin-brother of Agenor, and father of Aegyptus and Danaus. He was believed to be the ancestral hero and national divinity of several eastern nations, from whence the legends about him were transplanted to Greece and became mixed up with Greek myths. Greek |
Planet name "Bifrons" | Unk | demon of astronomy, geometry, and other such sciences, planetary influences. He often takes the form of a man. He is acquainted with the virtues of herbs, precious stones and plants. He can transport corpses from one place to another. It is he who lights the strange corpse lights above the tombs of the dead. Unk |
Goddess name "Birrahgnooloo" | Australian aboriginal | Creator goddess. She is recognized by several aboriginal clans as the chief consort of BAIAME, the creator god. Revered as the all-mother of humankind and creator of living things on earth, her role largely parallels that of Baiame. Traditions suggest that during the Dreamtime she planted vegetation as she moved through the primordial world, fashioning creatures from clay and breathing spirit into human beings. Her eldest son is DARAMULUM or Gayandi, regarded as an intermediary between Baiame and humankind.... |
Goddess name "Coca Mama" | Peru | Goddess of health, happiness and the coca plant. Peru |
Goddess name "Coca-Mama" | South American Indian / Peru | Goddess of the coca plant. Minor goddess who oversees the harvest of the coca crop. Models of the deity were made from the leaves of the plant and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good coca harvest.... |
God name "Daffodil" | Greek / Roman | Or "Lent Lily," was once white; but Persephone, daughter of Demeter, delighted to wander about the flowery meadows of Sicily. One spring, throwing herself on the gråśś, she fell asleep. The god of the Infernal regions, Pluto, fell in love with the beautiful maid, and carried her off for his bride. His touch turned the white flowers to a golden yellow, and some of them fell in Acheron, where they grew luxuriantly; and ever since the flower has been planted on graves. Greek / Roman |
Goddess name "Devaki (divine)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. Daughter of Devaka and consort of the mythical king VASUDEVA, Devaki bore eight sons, including KRSNA and BALARAMA. Her brother Kamsa believed that the eighth child would kill him and he slaughtered the first six sons. In order to save the remaining two, VISNU implanted the seed of his avataras in Devaki's womb (in the form of hairs from his head), before transferring Balarama to the womb of the goddess ROHINI and Krsna to Yasoda, the wife of a cowherd, Nanda.... |