Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "Velaute'mtilan (sedge man)" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | vegetation spirit. The personification of the sedges and therefore guardian of the boggy tundras and their animals.... |
Goddess name "Venus" | Greek | The goddess of love among the Romans, and more especially of sensual love. Previously to her identification with the Greek Aphrodite, she was one of the least important divinities in the religion of the Romans, and it is observed by the ancients themselves, that her name was not mentioned in any of the doçúɱents relating to the kingly period of Roman history. |
God name "Vidar" | Nordic / Icelandic | God of war. A little known AESIR god, described as the silent one. One of the sons of OTHIN. An alternative tradition places him as the offspring of a brief liaison between THOR and the giantess Gird. A god of great strength and support in times of danger. The prospective avenger of Othin's death by the wolf Fenrir at Ragnarok, he is said to wear a shoe made of material collected throughout time which he will place between Fenrir's jaws before he tears them apart and runs the beast through with his sword. One of the survivors of the final great fire and flood, destined to live in Asgard's successor, Idavoll.... |
King name "Virtus" | Roman | The Roman personification of manly valour. She was represented with a short tunic, her right breast uncovered, a helmet on her head, a spear in her left hand, a sword in the right, and standing with her right foot on a helmet. There was a golden statue of her at Rome, which Alaricus, king of the Goths, melted down. Roman |
God name "Vulturus" | Roman | God of the East wind. Roman |
Deity name "Waaq" | Africa | The supreme and universal deity who the universe with opposing but complementary and interdependent forces such as night and day, young and old, in fine balance. Oromo. East Africa |
"Wabun" | Hiawatha | Son of Mudjekeewis, East-Wind, the Native American Apollo. Young and beautiful, he chases darkness with his arrows over hill and valley, wakes the villager, calls the Thunder, and brings the Morning. He married Wabun-Annung, and transplanted her to heaven, where she became the Morning Star. Hiawatha |
God name "Wamala" | Bunyoro / Uganda, East Africa | God of plenty. A sanctuary has existed near the royal palace and Wamala is propitiated to give the boon of children, domestic animals and crops. He is also seen in an oracular capacity and has an official intermediary.... |
Demon name "War Hsuan" | China | God of wild beasts, prison, robbers, enemies and demons of all kinds. China |
God name "Weri Kumbamba" | Gishu / Uganda, East Africa | Creator god. A deity embodied in rocks and specifically invoked before and after cirçúɱcision to ensure the speedy recovery of the patient.... |
Spirit name "Wiradyuri" | Australia | The ancestor and patron god of the Kamilaroi, as well as being an important creator spirit or culture hero of the Eora, the Darkinjung, the Wiradjuri, and several other eastern Australian language groups. |
Demon name "Witches' Sabbath" | European | The muster at night time of witches and demons to concoct mischief. The witch first anointed her feet and shoulders with the fat of a murdered babe, then mounting a broom-stick, distaff, or rake, made her exit by the chimney, and rode through the air to the place of rendezvous. The åśśembled witches feasted together, and concluded with a dance, in which they all turned their backs to each other. |
Spirit name "Wu'squus" | Chukchee / eastern Siberia | spirit of darkness. The personification of the night and the sibling of NA'CHITNA'IRGIN, the spirit of the left-hand dawn.... |
Goddess name "Wuriupranili" | Australian aboriginal | Sun goddess. The position of Wuriupranili in the godly hierarchy is unclear, but mythology explains that she carries a burning torch made from tree bark and that she travels from east to west each day before descending to the western sea and using the embers to light her way through the underworld beneath the earth. The colors of the Sunrise and Sunset are said to be a reflection of the red ocher body paints with which she adorns herself.... |
Spirit name "Ya'china'ut (moon woman)" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | moon spirit. The personification of the moon.... |
Spirit name "Ya'halan (cloud man)" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | Guardian spirit. The son of the supreme being TENANTO'MWAN, his consort is YINE'ANE'UT. In alternative tradi tion he is the son of the supervisor being, INA'HITELAN. He is a protector of young couples, and youths beat a sacred drum invoking the spirit to turn the heart of a girl.... |
Spirit name "Ya'halna'ut" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | Guardian spirit. Yajna (sacrifice)... |
God name "Ya'qhicnin" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | Creator god. The name given to the Christian god by the Koryaks to distinguish him from their own supreme being, TENANTO'MWAN.... |