Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Monster name "Akandoji" | Shinto | This monster had stolen a great deal of gold and silver from the villagers. It was said that he was so terrible that no one dared go against him, to try to recover the riches. Shinto |
God name "Amunos" | Phonecian | Lesser God of village life. Brother of Magos. Phonecian |
Deities name "Balam (jaguar)" | Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico | Guardian deities. Poorly defined spirits who protect individuals in daily life. Four balam stand at the cardinal points around a village to guard against dangerous animals. They also protect the four sides of a milpa (smallholding) against thieves.... |
Demon name "Bir" | India | A very malignant village demon. India |
Supreme god name "Dagan (3)" | Kafir / Afghanistan | Local supreme god. This god bears no relation to the Semitic god Dagan, but is known by several synonyms including Dagon, Doghan and Deogan. He has been identified in several villages in the south of the Kafir region [southern Nuristan]. Dagan may be less a proper name than a title of respect.... |
Spirit name "Danhyang Desa" | Java | Each village has a Danhyang Desa which is a spirit who lives in a large tree near to or in the village. All blessings emanate from him. Any disasters occurring to the village are seen as a sign that he has been neglected. |
"Dodona" | Greece | A famous oracle in Epiros, and the most ancient of Greece. It was dedicated to Zeus, and situated in the village of Dodona. |
God name "Dogumrik" | Kafir / Afghanistan | Local guardian and warrior god. Known from the village of Shtiwe in the southeastern Hindukush, Dogumrik is the herdsman to the daughters of the god IMRA and possibly a localized equivalent of the god MON.... |
Goddess name "Ellaman (lady of the boundary)" | Hindu - Dravidian / Tamil / southern India | Goddess of påśśage. A goddess guarding boundaries of villages and fields. One of the NAVASAKTI or astral deities. Also Ellaiyamman.... |
Goddess name "Gish" | Kafir / Afghanistan | God of war. Known chiefly among the Kati people in the southern Hindukush. Gish seems partly modeled on the Aryan (Vedic) god INDRA (see also INDR). One of the offspring of the creator god IMRA, his mother is named as Utr; she carried him for eighteen months before he wrenched himself from her belly, stitching her up with a needle. His consort is the goddess SANJU. He slaughters with great efficiency but is considered lacking in graces and intellect, emerging in a generally boorish light (see also THOR). His home is a fortress of steel atop a mythical walnut tree propped up by his mother which provides nourishment and strength for his warriors. The Rainbow is a sling with which he carries his quiver. Gish is åśśociated chiefly with the villages of Kamdesh and Shtiwe but has been worshiped throughout the Kafir region with the sacrifice of hornless oxen, particularly prior to combat. A feast was given in his honor if the outcome was successful. Also Giwish.... |
Goddess name "Gramadevata" | India | Generic term for a local tutelary deity. Such deities are identified as not being served by Brahman priests. Most are goddesses e.g. CAMUNDA, DURGA and KALI. Generally they are invoked in small villages where they guard boundaries and fields and are represented by a painted stone, but they are also to be found in larger towns and cities.... |
"Hainuwele" | Indonesia | 'The Coconut Girl' who, when she "answered the call of nature"; excreted valuable items. She was killed and buried by villagers but her boyfriend exhumed the corpse and cut it into pieces which he then re-buried around the village. These pieces grew into the various tuberous plants, giving origin to the principle foods the people of Indonesia have enjoyed ever since. Seram, New Guinea |
Goddess name "Hanuman (with large jaws)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Monkey god. Hanuman attends RAMA, one of the incarnations of VISINU, and personifies the ideal and faithful servant. He is the son of PAVANA, the god of winds, and is noted for his speed and agility in which context he is often worshiped by young men and athletes. He leads a mythical Forest army of monkeys, and is depicted as a monkey with a long tail. He takes a major role in the Ramayana epic searching for, and rescuing, the goddess SITA who has been captured by the demon Ravana. He may appear trampling on the goddess of Lanka [Sri Lanka]. Worshiped particularly in southern India but more generally in villages. Color: red. Attributes: bow, club, mane, rock and staff. May appear five-headed.... |
Demon name "Immat" | Kafir / Afghanistan | demonic god. A deity to whom sacrifices were addressed in the Ashkun villages of southwestern Kafiristan. Legend has it that Immat carries off twenty virgin daughters every year. A festival includes blood sacrifice and dances by twenty carefully selected young priestesses.... |
God name "In r" | Kafir / Afghanistan | Tutelary and weather god. The brother of GISH and father of DISANI and Pano. Probably derived from the more widely recognized Aryan god INDRA, Indr is known chiefly from the Waigal and Prasun areas of the southern Hindukush. It is generally åśśumed that he was ousted from major importance by the god IMRA. Indr is also a god of wine who owns substantial vineyards and is åśśociated in south Nuristan with wine rituals (the annals of Alexander the Great suggest that he met with winedrinking worshipers of DIONYSOSin the Hindukush). In the Ashkun region of southwestern Kafiristan, a famous vineyard near the village of Wamais is sacred to Indr. Also Inder.... |
Monster name "Karnmapa" | Bantu | A monster which swallows the population of a village-or, indeed, of the whole country and is subsequently slain by a boy hero. Bantu |
God name "Lubangala" | Bakongo / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa | Rainbow god. The chief adversary of the storm god. He stills the thunder and makes his appearance in the sky. Considered to be the guardian of the earth and sea, including the village and its community.... |
Goddess name "Mata (great mother)" | Hindu | Primeval mother goddess. The archetypal progenitrix of all living things. She becomes the tutelary goddess of every village in northern India, but is also seen as a plague goddess åśśociated with smallpox, in which case her epithet becomes Maha Mai. Her Tamil counterpart is Amman.... |