Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Apo (lord)" | Inca / pre Columbian South America / Peru, etc | mountain god. The apotheosis of an Andean mountain, all mountains being sacred to the South American Indians.... |
God name "Apocatquil" | Inca / Peru | God of lightning. He recalled his mother to life and made an aperture in the earth with a golden spade, through which the race of the Peruvians emerged and took possession of the land. Inca / Peru |
God name "Apollo" | Greek | God of hunting and healing. One of the great divinities of the Greeks, was, according to Homer, the son of Zeus and Leto. Hesiod (Theogony of Hesiod 918) states the same, and adds, that Apollo's sister was Artemis. Neither of the two poets suggests anything in regard to the birth-place of the god, unless we take "born in Lycia," which, however, according to others, would only mean "born of or in light." Apollo is one of the few Greek gods who did not sleep with Aphrodite |
Goddess name "Apolonia" | Brazil | Goddess of healing and dentists Brazil |
Goddess name "Aponibolinayen" | Philippines | Goddess of the sky and moon. Philippines |
God name "Apsu" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | God of underground primeval waters. Derived from the Sumerian ABZU. In the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elis Apsu is killed, while sleeping, by ENKI, who establishes his own abode above the deeps. Apsu's death triggered the cosmic challenge between the forces of MARDUK and TIAMAT.... |
God name "Apu-Ko-Hai" | Polynesian | Fish god of the Kanei who inhabit the Polynesian island of Mangaia. |
God name "Apulu Later Aplu" | Etruscan | Sun god, often depicted in art with a staff and laurel branches. He was clearly derived from the Greek god Apollo. Etruscan |
God name "Aqhat" | Phonecian | Mortal and hero, handsome and favoured of the gods, who gave him a Divine bow. Anat coveted it and had her henchman Yatpan kill him for it, but the bow was destroyed in the act. Phonecian |
Spirit name "Aquariel" | Mexico | God of magic mushrooms who opens the doors of perception and grants transcendent and cosmic understanding and spiritually evolvion. Mexico. |
God name "Ara" | Borneo | Primeval creator god, in the form of a bird, who created the heavens , and with Irik, created mankind from clay. The Sea Dyaks of Sarawak, Borneo |
Goddess name "Arachne" | Greek | A Lydian maiden who challenged Athena to a weaving contest. Arachne produced a piece of cloth as and Athena could find no fault with it, she tore the work to pieces, and Arachne in despair hung herself. The goddess loosened the rope and saved her life, but the rope was changed into a cobweb and Arachne herself into a spider, the animal most odious to Athena. Greek |
Goddess name "Aramazd" | Armenia | The father of all gods and goddesses, the creator of heaven and earth. Armenia |
Goddess name "Aranyani" | Hindu / Vedic | Minor goddess of woodlands. Hindu / Vedic |
Goddess name "Aranyani" | Hindu / Vedic | Minor goddess of woodlands. Possibly having evolved from a primitive animistic guardian spirit of animals, Aranyani is an elusive, rarely seen, deity who is recognized in the sounds of the trees, particularly at dusk. She is a benign figure, sweet-scented and unwilling to destroy unless severely provoked.... |
Deities name "Arapacana" | Buddhist | God. A BODHISATTVA or spiritual meditation buddha. Originally a DHARANI of MANJUSRI who became deified. Accompanied by four minor deities. Also a collective name for the five buddhas. Color: yellow or red. Attributes: standing wearing a monkish garment and carrying Book and sword.... |
Goddess name "Arawa" | Kenya | moon goddess and the daughter of the creator god Tororut and his consort Seta. Kenya and Uganda |
Goddess name "Arawa" | Suk / Pokot / Kenya / Uganda, East Africa | moon goddess. The two tribes share the same pantheon of deities. Arawa is the daughter of the creator god TORORUT and his consort SETA.... |