Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Deities name "Lokesvara (lord of the world)" | Buddhist | Generic name for a group of deities. These are thought to be a syncretization of Hindu and Buddhist deities and include such gods as SIVA, V IS'NU and others which have come to be defined as forms of a primeval buddha or DHYANIBUDDHA. The lokesvara are usually repre sented by a small figure, identified as ADIBUD DHA or AMITABHA, which rests on the head of the main statue. Also a group name for the many forms of the Buddhist deity AVALOKITESVARA.... |
God name "Loki" | Norse | Loki. To end, finish; Loke is the end and consummation of divinity. The evil giant-god of the Norse mythology. He steers the ship Naglfar in Ragnarok. He borrows Freyja's feather-garb and accompanies Thor to the giant Thrym, who has stolen Thor's hammer. He is the father of Sleipner; also of the Midgard serpent, of the Fenris-wolf and of Hel. He causes Balder's death, abuses the gods in ?ger's feast, but is captured in Fraanangerforce and is bound by the gods. Norse |
God name "Lothur" | Nordic / Icelandic | God of physical senses. According to a brief mention in the Voluspa (Poetic Edda) the god concerned with physical being i.e. sight, hearing and speech. According to some authors he may be a hypostasis of the god OTHIN. Lothur is also known in northern Germanic tradition. Also LODUR.... |
Demon name "Lu Dong-bin" | Taoist / Chinese | Immortal being. One of the eight immortals of Taoist mythology, he was once a mortal being who achieved immortality through his lifestyle. The tutelary god of barbers. Attributes include a sword with which he conquers demons.See also BA XIAN.... |
God name "Lucy" | Christian | Patron saint for those afflicted in the eyes. It is said that a nobleman wanted to marry her for the beauty of her eyes; so she tore them out and gave them to him saying, "Now let me live to God." The story says that her eyesight was restored; but the rejected lover accused her of "faith in Christ," and she was martyred by a sword thrust into her neck. Christian |
God name "Lugal-Irra" | Akkadia | Chthonic underworld god Babylon / Mesopotamia / Akkadia / Sumeria |
God name "Lugal-Irra" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Chthonic underworld god. Probably a minor variation of ERRA, the Babylonian plague god. The prefix Lugal means lord. Often coupled with MES LAM TAEA, god of war.... |
God name "Lyre" | Greek | A lyre is a stringed musical instrument well known for its use in Clåśśical Antiquity. The recitations of the Ancient Greeks were accompanied by it. According to ancient Greek mythology, the young god Hermes created the lyre from the body of a large tortoise shell (khelus) which he covered with animal hide and antelope horns. Lyres were åśśociated with Apollonian virtues of moderation and equilibrium, contrasting the Dionysian pipes which represented ecstasy and celebration. Greek |
God name "MIMIR" | Nordic / Icelandic | God of wisdom and inspiration. An AESIR god who lives in the world of the Frost Giants. He guards the well of knowledge, filled by a spring which flows beneath the world Tree, Yggdrasil, and which is supplied from the primeval waters. The god OTHIN drank from the spring to acquire knowledge, having forfeited one of his eyes to Mimir. Said to be the wisest among the gods. According to some sources he was sent as hostage to the VANIR in their war with the Aesir and was killed by them (see Othin). Some authors argue that he is more properly a giant than a god. Said to be accompanied often by the silent god HOENIR. Mimir warns Othin of the final onslaught at Ragnarok (doom).... |
God name "MOT (death)" | Canaanite / Phoenician / northern Israel, Lebanon / Syrian coastal regions | God of natural adversity. ot is the Canaanite representation of adversity in the natural world. He lives in a pit within the earth and is responsible for its annual death from drought and heat: he has scorched the olive, the produce of the earth and the fruit of the trees. He engages in the clåśśic confrontation with the Canaanite hero and national god, BAAL. Though the duel results in Baal's demise, his death is avenged by his twin sister ANAT, who slays Mot, then cleaves, winnows, burns and grinds him with a millstone, in what appears to be a ritual allied to the sowing of seed and harvesting (see OSIRIS). Baal is later restored. The conflict probably formed the basis of an annual ritual drama at the Canaanite New Year which was held in the autumn. In the texts Mot is the son of Il and his mother is AS'ERAH (ATHIRAT).... |
God name "Mac Da Tho" | Irish | God of the otherworld. Irish |
Goddess name "Magna Mater" | Roman | The queen of heaven, Mother of All the Gods, Great Mother of the gods, Creatrix of the Universe, etc. Mother goddess from the beginning of time and exists in almost every ancient mythology. She is the earth or bears the planet and beings out of herself. |
God name "Magni" | German | This is a god of the future who has not yet arrived & a son of Thor |
Goddess name "Mahamantråñuśarini (following the great sacred text)" | Buddhist | Guardian goddess. One of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. Also an emanation of the DHYANIBUDDHA RATNASAMBHAVA, alternatively of AKSOBHYA. She is a guardian of the west, south and eastern quarters according to separate traditions. Color: blue, black, green, white or red. Attributes: most commonly noose and staff. From four to twelve arms; may be three-headed.... |
Goddess name "Mahamayuri (great daughter of the peaçõçk)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | Goddess. An extremely popular deity and an emanation of AMOGHASIDDHI. A female BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. Also one of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. Color: green, red or yellow. Attributes: alms bowl, arrow, banner, bow, fly whisk, image of Amoghasiddhi on crown, jewel, mendicant, peaçõçk feather, prayer wheel, sword and water jar. Three-eyed and may occasionally appear three or four-headed.... |
Goddess name "Mahapratisara (great protectress)" | Buddhist | Guardian goddess. One of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. A guardian of the central or southern direction. Also an emanation of the DHYANIBUDDHA RATNASAMBHAVA. Color: yellow. Attributes: arrow, ax, banner, bow, conch, image of Ratnasambhava on crown, jewel, noose, parasol, prayer wheel, reliquary, sword, staff and trident. Three-headed and three-eyed.... |
Goddess name "Mahasahaspramardani (the thousand fold destroyer)" | Buddhist | Goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA, and one of the MAHARAKSAS. Color: white. Attributes: particularly noose, prayer wheel and sword, but also depicted with other objects including image of Vairocana on crown. May be four-headed.... |
Goddess name "Mahasahasprramardani" | Buddhist | Goddess whose name means the thousandfold destroyer Buddhist |