Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Angeyja" | Norse | One of Heimdal's nine mothers. The Elder Edda says in the Lay of Hyndla : Nine giant maids gave birth to the gracious god, at the world's margin. These are: Gjalp, Greip, Eistla, Angeyja, Ulfrun, Eyrgjafa, Imd, Atla, and Jarnsaxa. Norse. |
Goddess name "Angina" | Roman | Another goddess of health, specifically of sore throats |
Goddess name "Angitia" | Roman | Early goddess of healing & witchcraft |
God name "Angru Mainya" | Persia | An evil underworld god |
God name "Angru Mainyu (evil spirit)" | Persian / Iran | Chthonic underworld god of darkness. The original Zoroastrian name of the chief antagonist of AHURA MAZDA.See also AHRIMAN.... |
God name "Angus" | Gaelic | A Gaelic god of amorous dalliance. A son of Dugda, his harp was so sweet that whoever heard must follow; his kisses became invisible love-whispering birds. |
God name "Angus Og" | Irish | A god of love |
God name "Annammr i" | Hindu / Puranic | Form of the god V IS'NU. The patron deity of kitchens and food. A shrine at Srirangam in southern India contains two-armed bronze images of the god. Attributes: a ball of rice in one hand, and in the other a container of payasa (sweetened milk and rice).... |
Goddess name "Antevorta" | Roman | Goddess of childbirth, invoked by pregnant women, to avert the dangers of child-birth. Roman |
Deities name "Anu-Mate" | Polynesian | God of space. One of the sons of RANGINUI by Pokoharua, the sister of TANGAROA, the sea god. He belongs to a group of deities engendered at the time of creation that includes ANU-MATE, Anu-Matao, Anu-Whakarere and Anu-Whakatoro, all of whom rule over different aspects of space above the upper world. AnuMate is perceived as the god responsible for the space of cold death and in fact all of the group are envisaged as deities ruling over realms of great cold.... |
Goddess name "Apanchomene" | Greek | The strangled goddess, a surname of Artemis. |
God name "Apu-Ko-Hai" | Polynesian | Fish god of the Kanei who inhabit the Polynesian island of Mangaia. |
Goddess name "Arachne" | Greek | A Lydian maiden who challenged Athena to a weaving contest. Arachne produced a piece of cloth as and Athena could find no fault with it, she tore the work to pieces, and Arachne in despair hung herself. The goddess loosened the rope and saved her life, but the rope was changed into a cobweb and Arachne herself into a spider, the animal most odious to Athena. Greek |
God name "Arawn" | Celtic / Welsh | Chthonic underworld god. The leader of the phantom hunt seen chasing a white stag with a pack of red-eared hounds. He equates with GWYNN AP NUDD, a similar deity known in South Wales. His chief underworld opponent is Hafgan and he bribes PWYLL, prince of Dyfed, to challenge Hafgan in exchange for a gift of pigs.... |
God name "Archangels" | Greek | Carry Divine Decrees from God to humanity and are constantly in battle with the Son of darkness. |
Goddess name "Armkis [Greek]" | Egypt / Upper | Birth goddess. Minor deity with cult centers in lower Nubia and at Elephantine. She is variously the daughter of RE, and of KHNUM and SATIS. Anukis lives in the cataracts of the Lower Nile. Her portrait appears in the Temple of Rameses II at Beit-et-Wali where she suckles the pharaoh, suggesting that she is connected with birth and midwifery, but she also demonstrates a malignant aspect as a strangler (see HATHOR). Her sacred animal is the gazelle. Depicted anthropomorphically wearing a turban (modius) with ostrich feathers. Also Anuket (Egyptian).... |
God name "As" | Norse | Asa or Ass; plural ÆSIR. The asas, gods. The word appears in such English names as Osborn, Oswald, etc. With an n it is found in the Germ. Ansgar (Anglo-Sax. Oscar). The term aesir is used to distinguish Odin, Thor, etc., from the vanir (vans). Norse. |
Goddess name "Aspalis" | Western Semitic | Hunting goddess. There is scant mention of Aspalis from Melite in Phthia and she is probably a local version of ARTEMIS. As in certain Artemis mythology, she hanged herself and her body disappeared.... |