
List of Gods : "God Kin" - 465 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Ahau Kin"
Mayan Meaning "lord of the Sun face," he was a Sun god and moon god; he had two manifestations. At night, he became a jaguar god and lord of the underworld. Mayan
Goddess name
"Aife aka Aoife"
Ireland / Scotland Goddess and queen of the Isle of Shadow. She ran a school for warriors, but her school was less successful than her sister, Scathach's, school. Aife was not vulnerable to magic, and commanded a legion of fierce horsewomen. She stole an alphabet of knowledge from the deities to give to humankind. For that infraction, she was transformed into a crane by the elder deities. Ireland / Scotland
Goddess name
Ireland / Scotland Minor Sun Goddess who is thought to be the daughter of the king of the region known as Corco Loidhe. Ireland / Scotland
Goddess name
Ireland A faerie goddess, sister to Fennine, daughter to Egogabal who was a king of the Tuatha de Danann. Ireland
God name
Surya Is the son of king Raghu, and thus a scion of the Ikshavaku dynasty, who claimed descent from the Sun-God Surya. His paternal grandfather was the pious king Dileepa. king Aja's consort was the heavenly nymph Indumati; they were the parents of king Dasaratha of Ayodhya, who was the father of Rama.
God name
Egypt Chthonic earth god of påśśage. Known from the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Controls the interface between eastern and western horizons of the underworld, and is the guardian of the gate through which the king påśśes into the underworld. Aker provides a safe course for the barque of the Sun god during its påśśage through the underworld at night. He may be seen as the socket holding the boat's mast. He is also considered benevolent against snake bites. Represented by opposite facing pairs of human or lion heads....
God name
Hittite First heavenly king who lasted for 9 years. The eldest of all Hittite gods. Alalus was the father of the Hittite pantheon.
God name
Norse An elf, fairy; a clåśś of beings like the dwarfs, between gods and men. They were of two kinds: elves of light (Ljosalfar) and elves of darkness (Dokkalfar). The abode of the elves is Alfheimr, fairy-land, and their king is the god Frey. Norse
Goddess name
Greek The bird of Paradise in Slavic mythology. It has the body of a bird with the face of a woman. The name Alkonost came from the name of Greek demi-goddess Alcyone transformed by gods into a kingfisher.
God name
"Almaqah aka Ilmuqah"
Arabic The moon god of the South Arabian kingdom of Saba and the Ethiopian kingdoms of D'mt and Aksum. The ruling dynasty of Saba regarded themselves as his children. Arabic
God name
Arabian moon god worshipped in ancient Qataban. The inhabitants of that South Arabian kingdom referred to themselves as the Banu Amm, or the "Children of Amm".
Goddess name
Africa Creator god. He first created the Sun from a clay pot and coils of copper and the moon using a clay pot and bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. He then proceeded to cirçúɱsise the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill and their first offspring was a jackal. She then got pregnant by Rain and produced plants. He then became the father of mankind. Dogon Mali, West Africa
Goddess name
"Amma (2)"
Dogon / Mali, West Africa Creator god. He first created the Sun by baking a clay pot until it was white hot and coiling a band of copper around it eight times. He created the moon in similar fashion but used bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. Later, having cirçúɱcised the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill, he impregnated her and produced the first creature, a jackal. Next he fertilized her with Rain to engender plant life and finally became the father of mankind....
God name
Buddhist God. A variety of AVALOKITESVARA, depicted with one head and six, eight or twenty hands. Attributes: arrow, bell, lotus, noose, prayer wheel, rosary, staff and tiger skin....
God name
Salish Creator god of the Salish, a kind, elderly man who lives alone in heaven. He created five women from five hairs from his head and asked them what they wanted to be. Each gave him a different answer: wickedness and cruelty, goodness, mother of the earth, fire, water. Amotken did as they asked and declared that wickedness would rule earth for a time, but goodness would win in the end.
Goddess name
Greek According to Hesiod (Theogony) and Apollodorus a Nereid, though in other places Apollodorus calls her an Oceanid. She is represented as the wife of Poseidon and the goddess of the sea (the Mediterranean), and she is therefore a kind of female Poseidon.
Goddess name
"An i"
Egypt / Upper Guardian deity. Seems to have become åśśimilated with HORUS and was one of the protectors of the eastern sky in which the Sun rises. According to some texts he is also responsible for the decapitation of the goddess HATHOR in a conflict for the throne of Egypt. Anti is known from Middle kingdom coffin texts (circa 2000 BC). Depicted as a falcon, or a human with a falcon's head, standing on a crescent-shaped barque....
Goddess name
"Anat / Athene"
Greek Anat and Athene In a Cyprian inscription the Greek goddess Athêna Sôteira Nikê is equated with ‘Anat. Anat is also presumably the goddess whom Sanchuniathon calls Athene, a daughter of El, mother unnamed, who with Hermes (that is Anubis) councelled El on the making of a sickle and a spear of iron, presumably to use against his father Uråñuś. However, in the Baal cycle, that rôle is åśśigned to Asherah / Elat and Anat is there called the "Virgin."
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