Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Nammu" | Sumeria | Goddess of the primeval sea that gave birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first gods. Sumeria |
Goddess name "Nin-s ar (lady plant)" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Minor mother goddess. Nin-s.ar is linked briefly as consort to either Enlil (her father) or Enki by whom, after nine days of gestation, she gave birth to the goddess Ninkurra who, in turn, became the mother of the goddess Uttu.... |
Goddess name "Ninkurra" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Minor mother goddess. Ninkurra is linked briefly as consort to Enlil (her grandfather), by whom after nine days of gestation she gave birth to the goddess Uttu. In alternative mythology she was the mother of Nin-imma, the deification of female sex organs.... |
Goddess name "Raka (trouble) (2)" | Polynesian / Hervey Islands | God of winds. The fifth child of VARI-MA-TE-TAKERE, the primordial mother. His home is Moana-Irakau (deep ocean). He received as a gift from his mother a great basket containing the winds, which became his children, each allotted a hole in the edge of the horizon through which to blow. The mother goddess also gave him knowledge of many useful things which he påśśes on to mankind.... |
Goddess name "Shing-moo" | China | A nature goddess. She was the mother of perfect intelligence, and gave birth to a saviour son through an immaculate conception. China |
Supreme god name "Sol (1)" | Roman | Sun god. Known by the full title of Sol Indiges, meaning the indigenous Sol, which may suggest a purely Roman cult on the Quirinal Hill, but there are also inferences that this deity is of more ancient origin. Coins from southern Italy depicting the god with a radiate image date back to circa 200 BC but he rose to particular prominence during the republican period. His festival was celebrated annually on August 9. Nero had a huge statue of himself, as Sol, erected in Rome and the emperor Aurelian elevated Sol to supreme god in the Roman pantheon when Jupiter Conservator gave way to Sol Invictus (the unconquered Sun). Sol may sometimes be linked with AURORA, the goddess of dawn.... |
Goddess name "Tiresias" | Greek | Blind as Tiresias. Tiresias the Theban by accident saw Athena bathing, and the goddess struck him with blindness by splashing water in his face. She afterwards repented doing so, and, as she could not restore his sight, conferred on him the power of soothsaying, and gave him a staff with which he could walk as safely as if he had his sight. He found death at last by drinking from the well of Tilphosa. Greek |
Goddess name "Uttu" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | vegetation goddess and goddess of weaving. Not to be confused with UTU the Sun god, Uttu is a minor deity whose father is ENKI. According to legend, Enki first impregnated the mother goddess NINHURSAG A, whose nine-day gestation produced the goddess NIN-S'AR. She in turn was impregnated by Enki and, after a similar nine-day gestation, gave birth to the goddess NINKURRA. Through the same procedure with her grandfather, Ninkurra conceived the goddess Uttu. She is depicted as the goddess of weaving and of spiders.... |
Goddess name "Yolkai Estan" | Navaho / USA | Fertility goddess. The sister of the principal fertility goddess, ESTSANATLEHI, she was engendered by the gods, who gave life to an image made from white shells.... |