
List of Gods : "Heli" - 405 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
Egyptian Sebeq or Sebeq-Ra, the crocodile-headed deity. In The Book of the Dead Sebek is named together with three other deities as dwelling on the mount of Sunrise, helping Horus to be reborn daily. He is represented as giving the eyes to the deceased and åśśisting the pilgrim to be reborn. Egyptian
Goddess name
Greek Also called Mene, a female divinity presiding over the months, or Latin Luna, was the goddess of the moon, or the moon personified into a Divine being. She is called a daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and accordingly a sister of Helios and Eos (Theogony 371 ; Apollodorus; Argonautica) ; but others speak of her as a daughter of Hyperion by Euryphaessa, or of Pallas, or of Zeus and Latona, or lastly of Helios. Greek
Goddess name
"Selene (radiant)"
Greek moon goddess. The daughter of HYPERION (a TITAN) and sister of the Sun god HELIOS. The tutelary deity of magicians, she rides in a chariot drawn by two horses. According to legend she fell in love with the sleeping Endymion. She becomes largely syncretized with HEKATE and in Roman culture equates with the goddess LUNA....
King name
Greek A son of Poseidon, was king of Aegialos and father of Helice. Greek
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of scorpions, a protector of the embalmer's tent and helper of women in childbirth. Egypt

Koran The ordeal bridge over which everyone will have to påśś at the resurrection. It is not wider than the edge of a scimitar, and is thrown across the gulf of hell. The faithful will påśś over in safety, but sinners will fall headlong into the dreary realm beneath. Koran
God name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Plague god. The son of SHANGO, he is credited with having once been a god of war who invaded the country (as a disease). He is particularly identified with smallpox. His symbol is the sesame plant which takes the form of a taboo and brings disease to those who take it into their house. A festival is held in September to propitiate Shankpana with sacrifices of animals and fruit....
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Phoenician Minor attendant goddess. The personification of the holiness of sanctuaries of BAAL S AMIN. In Hellenic times she may have become syncretized with TYCHE....

Greek Or Sinnis a son of Polypemon, Pemon or Poseidon by Sylea, the daughter of Corinthus. He was surnamed according to some Pityocamptes, and according to others Procrustes. Sinis was called the Pine-Bender because this was his manner of executing his victims and used to ask travellers to help him bend two pine trees to the ground. Greek
Goddess name
Nordic / Icelandic Goddess. One of the AESIR goddesses. The daughter of the giant Thiåśśi and consort of the god NJORD. By tradition she lives apart from her husband, he preferring the coast and she the mountains. She is described as “ski lady,” a huntress who travels on skis and hunts game with a bow. She is constantly at odds with the god LOKI and on one occasion, when he had been captured and held down with stones, she tried to poison him by suspending a poisonous snake over his face. Loki's consort SIGYN saved him by collecting the venom in a bowl....
God name
Egypt Crocodile god. In the Book of the Dead, he åśśists in the birth of Horus and helps to destroy Seth. Egypt
Goddess name
Egypt Hellenic The astral goddess that heralds Arias of the Nile
Goddess name
"Sothis Egypt"
Hellenic Astral goddess who heralds Arias of the Nile Hellenic
God name
Hua / southeastern Ghana, West Africa vegetation god. A benevolent deity who can bestow wealth as well as good harvests. He is also god of Medicine and of the sounds of music. His devotees wear white and daub white chalk on their faces. His symbol is the cowrie shell....
Goddess name
Armenia Chthonic goddess concerned with fertility of the earth and death, the Christians equate her name with hell Armenia
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Armenian Chthonic goddess. Concerned with the fertility of the earth and with death. Under Christian influence, her name equates with hell....
Goddess name
Egypt Primordial god of the air. According to the genealogy of the priests of Heliopolis, he is the first born of the creator Sun god ATUM and by his sister TEFNUT is the father of the chthonic god GEB and the sky goddess NUT. S u is typically represented in human form standing over the supine form of Geb and holding Nut aloft with his raised arms. He can also, as one of several manifestations of the “eye of RE,” be represented as a lion, as can his sister....
God name
Japan / Shinto A god of healing that helped establish the methods of healing diseases as well as a means to control & protection against Bob beast, snakes, insects, et all
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