
List of Gods : "God20Tra" - 611 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Buddhist Chinese Astral god. The apotheosis of the Pole Star, equating with AME-NO-KAGASEWO in Japanese Shintoism....
Goddess name
"NA CHA (here is a loud cry)"
Taoist / Chinese Guardian god. A somewhat ambiguous god who is generally regarded as benevolent, but whose traditions hint at a more destructive aspect. He was born a god of human parents, the reincarnation of an older deity, Ling Chu-Tzu, the “intelligent pearl.” According to tradition, his father was Li Ching, who threatened to kill his mother because she claimed she was made pregnant by the mystical actions of a Taoist priest who told her she was to bear the child of a unicorn. Na Cha is said to have fought in the Shang-Chou war on the side of the Chou dynasty circa 1027 BC. His chief adversary was the sea dragon king. Ultimately he became involved with the goddess Shih-Chi Niang Niang, accidentally killed her attendant and, in remorse, committed suicide....
God name
"Na Ngutu"
West / central African God of the dead. Essentially the guardian deity of warriors slain in battle....
Goddess name
"Naeeeegaaei (slayer of alien gods)"
Navaho / USA God of war. The most powerful of the Navaho war gods. The son of the Sun god TSOHANOAI and the fertility goddess ESTSANATLEHI. According to tradition, he vanquished a race of giants who had nearly destroyed the human race. He is a benevolent god, ready to help mankind in times of trouble. He also cures diseases brought about through witchcraft. Said to live at the junction of two rivers in the San Juan valley, he is invoked by warriors preparing for battle. His priest wears a buckskin bag mask, painted black and adorned with five zigzag lightning streaks, the eye and mouth holes covered with white sea shells. He also wears a fox skin collar, a crimson cloth around the hips and a leather belt with silver ornamentation, but is otherwise naked. No depictions are made of this deity....
God name
"Nahui Oiiin (earthquake sun)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. According to most of the codices, at the time of the Spanish conquest there had been four previous world ages, each represented by a Sun and terminated by a cataclysm. Ollin, the fifth Sun, was created at Teotihuacan and at the conquest was just under 2,000 years old. It is presided over by the god TONATIUH. Each creation is considered to last 2028 x 52 terrestrial years and the present one is destined to be destroyed by a great earthquake. Tradition has it that Ollin was originally a sickly or humble deity named NANAHUATL (the diseased one). Also (4)Ollin; Ollintonatiuh....
Spirit name
Colombia / Ecuador A great ancestral spirit worshipped as a supreme being, the creator, and a vegetation god. The Uitoto, Colombia and Ecuador
Goddess name
Hindu A group of astral goddesses
Goddess name
Hindu Group of astral goddesses. Hindu
Goddess name
Hindu Generic title for a group of astral goddesses. Stars or constellations which became personified as deities, accounted as twenty-seven daughters of DAKSA and consorts of CANDRA or SOMA. They can exert benign or evil influence....
Demon name
Mesopotamia A hellish deity, god of death, and the messenger of An, Ereshkigal, and Nergal, considered responsible for diseases and pests. It was said that he commanded sixty diseases in the form of demons that could penetrate different parts of the human body. Mesopotamia
Deities name
"Nanahuati (rumor)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. In cosmogony, when on the fifth day of creation the gods sat in judgment to elect the new Sun god, Nanahuatl and TECCIZTECATL cremated themselves in the sacred fire. The heart of Nanahuatl ascended to become the new Sun and that of Tecciztecatl became the moon. Tradition suggests that Nanahuatl is diseased and impoverished but of great courage, while Tecciztecatl is wealthy and a coward. In an alternative tradition, in which Nanahuatl is the son of QUETZALCOATL and Tecciztecatl is the son of TLALOC, both deities are hurled into the fire by their fathers. NOTE: eventually all the gods sacrificed themselves so that mankind might be engendered from their remains. Also Nanahuatzin....
Goddess name
Hindu - Dravidian / Tamil Local goddess. Consort of KRSNA. Mentioned in the Vaisnavite and Saivite literature, the Krsna-Nappinnai cult was prominent in Tamil-speaking areas of southern India in the seventh to ninth centuries. According to tradition Krsna wed Nappinnai after a bullbaiting contest during which he took on and defeated seven bulls. Nappinnai may be a localized form of Sri-Laksmi. Also Pinnai....
Goddess name
"Narasinha (man-lion)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god Vis'nu. The fourth avatara of the god is depicted as a man-lion hybrid. According to legend, the demonic king Hiranyakasipu had taken on a dangerous invulnerability. To thwart this, VIS'NU took the form of Narasinha and hid inside a pillar of the king's palace whence he sprang, capturing Hiranyakasipu and tearing out his entrails. IconographicalIy, the scene is portrayed with the victim thrown across Narasinha's lap and the god's claws plunged into his body. Narasinha may also appear seated in a yoga position with the goddess LAKSMI on his knee....
God name
Babylonian The god of science and literature, is said to have invented cuneiform writing. His temple was at Borsippa, but his worship was carried wherever Babylonian letters penetrated. Thus we had Mount Nebo in Moab, and the city of Nebo in Judea.
Goddess name
Britain A goddess who was the patron deity of sea traders
Goddess name
British A local goddess whose main function was the protection of travellers, especially seagoing travellers. British
God name
Egypt Minor snake god. Known from circa 1500 BC. Essentially a chthonic deity he is, according to tradition, the son of the god GEB. Allegedly having eaten seven cobras, NehebuKau offers protection against snake bite and scorpion sting. He is also one of the guardians of the Egyptian king in the afterlife....
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of justice and revenge. The dreaded deity who, with the Furies, is responsible for transporting the souls of the guilty to Tartarus. She is also described as the deification of indignation. Her presence may be symbolized by the fabulous winged griffon. Her cult was predominantly at Rhamnus (Attica), where a magnificent temple was built in her honor in the fifth century BC, and in Smyrna. She also had a temple at Iconium in Asia Minor. According to legend, ZEUS raped her and she bore HELEN in consequence. In certain respects she provides a parallel with the goddess ERINYS. Her cult became one of morality....
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