Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Mika-Hiya-Hi (terrible swift sun)" | Shinto / Japan | Sun god. A deity subservient to the Sun goddess AMATERASU and engendered from the blood of the fire KAMI KAGU-TSUCHI. Certain Japanese still worship the Sun, going outside in the morning, facing east, bowing and clapping their hands in a daily ritual.See also HI-HIYA-HI.... |
God name "Mirsa" | Pre - Christian Caucasus region | God of light. Probably derived from the Persian god MITHRA. Also the deity responsible for fire.... |
God name "Mixcoatl-Camaxtli (cloud serpent)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of war. Also a deity of hunting and fire who received human sacrifice of captured prisoners. According to tradition, the Sun god TEZCATLIPOCA transformed himself into MIXCOATL-CAMAXTLI to make fire by twirling the sacred fire sticks.... |
Goddess name "Mizu-Ha-No-Me" | Shinto / Japan | water goddess. The senior water deity who was engendered from the urine of the primordial creator goddess Izanami during her fatal illness, having been burned producing the fire god HI-NO-KAGU-TSUCHI.... |
God name "Mkulumncandi" | Swazi / Swaziland, South Africa | Creator god. There is no worship of this deity, though he is known as the great first one.... |
God name "Modimo" | Tswana / Botswana, South Africa | Universal god. A monotheistic deity possibly, though not with certainty, influenced by Christianity. Not specifically a creator god, since the universe and MODIMO have always been. Perceived as the river of existence which flows endlessly through space and time. He rules the light and dark opposites in the universe, as well as the proper order of life on earth.... |
God name "Mogounos" | Britain | A Celtic god worshipped in Roman Britain and in Gaul. The main evidence is from altars dedicated to the god by Roman soldiers, but the deity is not a native Italic one. |
God name "Moirai" | Greek | Properly signifies "a share," and as a personification "the deity who åśśigns to every man his fate or his share," or the Fates. Homer usually speaks of only one Moira, and only once mentions the Motpai in the plural. In his poems Moira is fate personified, which, at the birth of man, spins out the thread of his future life, follows his steps, and directs the consequences of his actions according to the counsel of the gods. Homer thus, when he personifies Fate, conceives her as spinning, an act by which also the power of other gods over the life of man is expressed. Greek |
God name "Mombo Wa Ndhlopfu (elephant face)" | Ronga / Mozambique, southern Africa | Tutelary god. An ancestral deity who lives in and controls the Forests, also appearing in the guise of a huge snake. He is propitiated by the sacrifice of a çõçkerel.... |
God name "Morpheus" | Greek | Minor god of dreams. The son of HYPNOS, there is no record of worship of this deity.... |
Deity name "Moschel" | Latvia | The deity in charge of cows, feminine duties and patroness of economic activities. Latvia |
God name "Mugizi" | Bunyoro / Uganda, East Africa | lake god. The guardian deity of lake Albert, invoked with offerings by those wishing to cross the lake in boats.... |
Supreme god name "Mukasa" | Buganda / Uganda, East Africa | Supreme god. A benevolent deity whose main oracular sanctuary was sited on the island of Bubembe, lake Victoria. His first high priest was Semagunga and, by convention, only the tribal leader was permitted to consult with the oracle there. Mukasa provides Rain, food and cattle.... |
Deity name "Munisvara" | Hindu / Dravidian | A regional Tamil deity who is popular amongst the least Sanskritized social groups of South India specifically Tamil Nadu. Hindu / Dravidian |
God name "Munisvara" | Hindu | Deified saint. Technically a demigod but worshiped as a deity by Dravidians in southern India. Also Municami (Tamil).... |
Deity name "Muruga" | Hindu | Is the most popular Hindu deity amongst Tamils of Tamil Nadu state in India and in the Tamil diaspora. |
God name "Musdamma" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | God of buildings. Described as the great builder of ENLIL, Mus damma is a minor deity appointed by the god ENKI to take responsibility for building projects and for houses.... |
Goddess name "N ssaba" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Goddess of writing and wisdom. A daughter of AN and probably orig inally a vegetation deity. Her symbol is the inscribing stylus. She is a patron deity of Unug [Warka].... |