
List of Gods : "Deity The" - 682 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Sarra lntu"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Fertility goddess. Originally the tutelary deity of the city of Su-Sin. By Hellenistic times she probably became the more important goddess Sarrahitu who is included in the pantheon at Uruk and mentioned in various cult texts where she is described as “the bride” and was presumably involved in a sacred marriage ceremony....
God name
Hittite / Hurrian God. Originally a Hurrian deity adopted by the Hittite state religion. The son of the weather god TESUB and his consort HEBAT. His sacred animal is a panther. Attribute: ax....
Planet name
Roman Astral god. Identified with the planet Saturn, but thought to have originated as an agricultural deity concerned with sowing of seed. A sanctuary existed on the Roman forum from as early as 450 BC, also functioning as the imperial treasury. Saturnus was celebrated in the Saturnalia festival (December 17-19) during which masters and slaves exchanged roles and candles were given as gifts to symbolize the Winter darkness....
Deity name
Hindu Vivifier, stimulator; an aspect of the Sun deity. Hindu
Deities name
Egyptian Sebeq or Sebeq-Ra, the crocodile-headed deity. In The Book of the Dead Sebek is named together with three other deities as dwelling on the mount of Sunrise, helping Horus to be reborn daily. He is represented as giving the eyes to the deceased and åśśisting the pilgrim to be reborn. Egyptian
God name
Egypt The guardian god that was popular as a personal deity
God name
Urartian / Armenia moon god. The counterpart of the Mesopotamian deity SIN....
Goddess name
"Selene (radiant)"
Greek moon goddess. The daughter of HYPERION (a TITAN) and sister of the Sun god HELIOS. The tutelary deity of magicians, she rides in a chariot drawn by two horses. According to legend she fell in love with the sleeping Endymion. She becomes largely syncretized with HEKATE and in Roman culture equates with the goddess LUNA....
God name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada Sun god. The ruler of the lower heaven, Sonx, in which is situated the home of the gods, Nusmeta (the house of myths). The only deity to whom the Bella Coola pray and make offerings. Hunters throw small pieces of mountain goat or seal flesh into a sacrificial fire. Also Ta'ata (our father); Smai'yakila (sacred one)....
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic River goddess. The tutelary goddess of the Sequanae tribe. A pre-Roman sanctuary northwest of Dijon near the source of the Seine has yielded more than 200 wooden votive statuettes and models of limbs, heads and body organs, attesting to Sequana's importance as a goddess of healing. During the Roman occupation the site of Fontes Sequanae was sacred to her and was again considered to have healing and remedial properties. A bronze statuette of a goddess was found wearing a diadem, with arms spread and standing in a boat. The prow is in the shape of a duck, her sacred animal, with a cake in its mouth. Also found were models of dogs, an animal specifically åśśociated with healing through its affinity with the Greco-Roman physician deity AESCULAPIUS....
Deity name
Egypt The most important deity at Alexandria during the time of Ptolemy Soter, his worship spread throughout Egypt and into the Roman Empire. Egypt
God name
"Sesa(naga) (remainder)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Snake god or naga. The great serpent lying in the primeval sea and encircling the world. The son of KASYAPA and KADRU. A many-headed attendant on VIS'NU who uses the snake as a couch on which to rest between cycles of the universe. Its many hoods overshadow and protect him. Not technically a deity but important enough in literature to be included here. Also Adisesa; ANANTA....
God name
"Seyon (the red one)"
Dravidian / Tamil / southern India / Sri Lanka Creator god. An early deity åśśociated particularly with hilly regions in parts of southern India and thought to live in trees. Also Muruga....
God name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Chthonic storm god. As an earth deity he was once a mortal man, the king of Oyo, who transformed himself into an immortal. According to tradition, during his life he breathed tongues of fire. He then ascended into the sky by climbing a golden chain and became the god of thunder and lightning. He is also god of justice, punishing thieves and liars. His consorts include OYA, Oshun and Oba. Cult followers of Shango are believed to be able to make lightning strike an adversary. In shrines to Shango, the image of the god is adorned with a ram's head. Also SANGO....
God name
Bon / pre - Lamaist / Tibet God of light. In the ancient religion he is a creator deity from whom all other gods are engendered. In Lamaism he evolves into a god of wisdom....
Supreme god name
Bon / pre - Lamaist / Tibet Supreme god. In the ancient religion he is the remote and barely defined creator deity. Attributes include a lotus and swastika....
Deities name
Japan A deity of happiness, prosperity, longevity, and wisdom. One of the seven principal deities of luck, identified as Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Fukurokuju, Jurojin, and Hotei. Japan
God name
"Shou Lao"
Chinese God of longevity. He originates as an astral deity but comes to head the heavenly ministry responsible for setting the span of a person's life. He is also known as Nan-ji Hsian Weng, “the ancient of the South Pole.” His sacred animal is the crane, embodiment of long life....
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