Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Nana" | Anglo-Saxon | Nanna. A pan-cultural cognomen. "Her place as queen of heaven goes back to remote antiquity. She is Venus and appears as Ashtarte (or Easter in the Anglo-Saxon), Nana and Anunitu. She is goddess of fertility and worshipped everywhere. She is daughter of Sin and also of Anu. She is also åśśociated with Sirius. She is goddess of sex and appropriates the attributes of Ninlil and Damkina and as daughter of Sin and from her descent to Hades she is represented by temple prostitution. The lion, normally the symbol of Shamash is åśśociated with her as is the dove. In this sequence, she becomes then åśśociated with Tammuz or Dumuzi, as the bringer of new life in the spring cults." The Golden Calf |
Deities name "Nanahuati (rumor)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Creator god. In cosmogony, when on the fifth day of creation the gods sat in judgment to elect the new Sun god, Nanahuatl and TECCIZTECATL cremated themselves in the sacred fire. The heart of Nanahuatl ascended to become the new Sun and that of Tecciztecatl became the moon. Tradition suggests that Nanahuatl is diseased and impoverished but of great courage, while Tecciztecatl is wealthy and a coward. In an alternative tradition, in which Nanahuatl is the son of QUETZALCOATL and Tecciztecatl is the son of TLALOC, both deities are hurled into the fire by their fathers. NOTE: eventually all the gods sacrificed themselves so that mankind might be engendered from their remains. Also Nanahuatzin.... |
Goddess name "Nantosuelta (winding river)" | Celtic / Gallic | Goddess of water. Identified as a possible consort of the god SUCELLOS. She frequently holds a pole surmounted by a dove-cote. In addition she carries the cornucopia of a fertility or mother goddess, but is also a domestic guardian deity and is often depicted with ravens, which may suggest further links with the underworld.... |
God name "Nara (man)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor incarnation(s) of the god VISNU. Some authorities place these as separate avataras, but they are usually linked.... |
God name "Narkissos" | Greek | Minor god. The son of the river god Kephissos, he wasted away after falling in love with his own image reflected in water. The gods took pity on him and changed him into the flower of the same name. In Roman religion he becomes Narcissus.... |
God name "Ndauthina" | Fiji | The god of sailors and fishermen. When he was a toddler, his mother tied fiery reeds to his head. He has roamed the coral reefs with a hood on ever since. He is a trickster and a patron of adulterers, and a seducer of women. Fiji |
God name "Neit" | Ireland | A god of war, the husband of Nemain, and sometimes of the Badb. Ireland |
Goddess name "Neith" | Egypt | Net, Neit, Nit, creator goddess and of war, the hunt and domestic arts. In later times she was also thought to have been an androgynous demiurge - a creation deity - who had both male and female attributes. Egypt |
Spirit name "Neper" | Egypt | God of grain crops. The son of the snake spirit RENENUTET, he is subservient to HAPY, the god of the Nile flood, and has links with OSIRIS as a vegetation deity who dies and is reborn to the afterlife. In female form the deity becomes Nepit.... |
Goddess name "Net/ Neith" | Egypt | A goddess of the east, women, sorcery, the home, war, hunting, weaving |
Goddess name "Nike" | Greco - Roman | Goddess of victory. Depicted as a winged messenger bringing the laurel wreath to the victor of battle. Though of Greek origin, appearing in the Theogony of Hesiod, she was adopted by the Romans and worshiped extensively throughout Asia Minor, including Sardis. In some depictions the goddess ATHENA carries NIKE as a small winged figure. Also VICTORIA (Roman).... |
God name "Ningizzida" | Sumeria | 'Lord of the Tree of Life'. A fertility god sometimes depicted as a serpent with a human head, but later he became a god of healing and magic. The companion of Dumuzi (Tammuz) with whom it stood at the gate of heaven. Sumeria |
Goddess name "Ninlil" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Goddess of the air and of grain. She is the daughter of the god of stores, Haia, and the barley goddess, Ninsebargunnu. The consort of the air god Enlil, who impregnated her with water to create the moon god Nana, she also conceived the underworld god Nergal when Enlil impregnated her disguised as the gateman of Nippur. In a similar manner she conceived the underworld god Ninazu when Enlil impregnated her disguised as the man of the river of the nether world, the man-devouring river. According to some texts she is also the mother of Ninurta, the god of the plough and thunderstorms.... |
Goddess name "Ninsikil" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | The goddess of Dilmun. The patron deity of the mythical Paradise land of Dilmun which seems to have been perceived as somewhere off the coast of the Persian Gulf but firmly beyond the frontiers of Sumer. It is Ninsikil who pleads with Enki to provide the earth with the boon of fresh water in the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates.... |
Goddess name "Nintu" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Mother goddess. According to legend she pinched off fourteen pieces of primordial clay which she formed into womb deities, seven on the left and seven on the right with a brick between them, who produced the first seven pairs of human embryos. She is closely identified with the goddess Ninhursaga a and may have become Belet Ili (mistress of the gods) when, at Enki's suggestion, the gods slew one among themselves and used his blood and flesh, mixed with clay, to create mankind.... |
Goddess name "Nirmali" | Kafir / Afghanistan | Birth goddess. Goddess of the childbirth but usually separated from the rest of the village. She is invoked by women during labor or menstruation. Her sacred animal is the ram. There is an argument that she is, in fact, a manifestation of the goddess Disani rather than a distinct deity. Also Shuwe.... |
Goddess name "Nirrti (destruction)" | Hindu / Vedic / Puranic | (1) Destructive goddess of darkness. Known chiefly from the Rg-veda, Nirrti has a generally malignant aspect and is åśśociated with pain, misfortune and death. She is believed to live in the south (the land of the dead). She is dark-skinned, wears dark dress and receives the dark husks of sacrifice. She is feared by many Hindus, whose offerings are frequent and repeated. In later Hinduism, Nirrti changes sex and becomes a dikpala god of terrifying appearance, guarding the southwestern quarter; he has various consorts including Davi, Kalika and Krsnangi. He stands upon a lion, a man or a corpse. Attributes: javelin, shield, staff, sword and teeth.(2) God. Buddhist. A dikpala or guardian. Color: blue. Stands upon a corpse. Attributes: shield and sword.... |
Goddess name "Nona" | Roman | Minor goddess of birth. Responsible for the ninth month of gestation, she is often linked with the goddess DECIMA. In later Roman times she becomes one of a trio of goddesses of fate, with Decima and MORTA, the goddess of death, collectively known as the PARCAE.... |