
List of Gods : "Sesat" - 648 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
Hindu Maruts, storm deities and sons of Rudra and Diti and attendants of Indra. The number of Maruts varies from two to sixty (three times sixty in RV 8.96.8. They are very violent and aggressive, described as armed with golden weapons i.e. lightnings and thunderbolts, as having iron teeth and roaring like lions, as residing in the north, as riding in golden chariots drawn by ruddy horses. Hindu

Greek Two mythical personages, one the father of Lycophron in Cythera, and the other the father of Halitherses in Ithaca.
Goddess name
India Group of goddesses India
Goddess name
"Mataras/ Ambikas"
India A Group of goddesses
Goddess name
Celtic Triads of mother goddesses Roman / Pan-Celtic
Goddess name
Celtic These are the three mother goddesses that oversee fertility, they prefer peace, tranquillity & kids

Greek A daughter of Aeetes by the Oceanid Idyia, or, according to others, by Hecate, the daughter, of Perses. Greek
God name
"Meizabac (black powder maker)"
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico weather god. He sprinkles black dye on the clouds, which causes them to generate Rain. Believed to live on the edge of a lake. Also a fever god and a keeper of good souls. Also Metzabac....
Goddess name
Greek The singing goddess, one of the nine Muses, became afterwards the Muse of Tragedy. Greek
God name
Mayan weather god who causes the Rain by sprinkling black dye on the clouds, he has a side line as a fever god and the keeper of good souls Mayan
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of healing and poisonous gases. Roman
Goddess name
Egypt Localized chthonic goddess åśśociated with the underworld. At Thebes she acted in either benign or destructive fashion against workers building tombs in the Valley of the kings. She is generally depicted as a coiled cobra which may possess a human head and arm. One of the best representations is on the sarcophagus of Rameses III. She lost her popularity when the use of Thebes as a royal cemetery was discontinued early in the first millennium BC....
Spirit name
s Both male and female, are spirits of the sea, of human shape from the waist upwards, but from the waist downwards are like a fish. The females are attractive, but the males have green teeth, green hair, pig's eyes, and red noses. Fishermen dread to meet them.
Goddess name
Greek A daughter of Triopas, and wife of Polycaon, whom she induced to take possession of the country which was called after her, Messenia. She is also said to have introduced there the worship of Zeus and the mysteries of the great goddess of Eleusis. In the town of Messene she was honoured with a temple and heroic worship. Greek
God name
"Mi-Kura-Tana-No-Kami (august storehouse chief kami)"
Shinto / Japan house god. One of a number of domestic guardian KAMIS, he is particularly concerned with the protection of storehouses....
God name
"Mi-Lo Fo"
Chinese Buddhist God. The local name given to the BODHISATTVA MAITREYA. Like the Indian model he is represented as a rubicund figure. Attributes include roses and a purse....
God name
Japan Domestic guardian god who looks after storehouses Japan / Shinto
God name
"Mitra (friend)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Minor Sun god. An Aditya, one of six descendants of ADITI, he was originally åśśociated with VARUNA (Vedic), ruling the day while Varuna ruled the night. It is from this model that first MITHRA (Persian) and then MITHRAS (Roman) were derived. He is also the god of intimate friendship. Attributes: two lotuses, trident and a sacrificial drink or soma....
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