
List of Gods : "clouds" - 32 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Ah Peku"
Mayan / Lacandon, Mesoamerican / Mexico Thunder god. He lives on the tops of hills and climbs into the clouds before it Rains....
God name
Phonecian major God of springs and Rainy-season vegetation. 'He who rides the clouds' often has with him seven companions and eight wild boars. Phonecian
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic Divine twin hor√åǧïñå in the Rigveda, sons of Saranya, a goddess of the clouds and wife of either Surya in his form as Vivasvat. Hindu / Vedic
God name
Greek / also Roman God of the north wind. He controlled the storm which destroyed the Persian fleet sailing against Athens. Identified with Winter frosts. According to the Theogony (Hesiod), he is the son of EOS and Astraeos and is of Thracian origin: “ . . . when Thracian Boreas huddles the thick clouds.”...
Deities name
Mayan / Chorti, Mesoamerican / eastern Guatemala Rain gods. Giant reptilian deities whose blood is cold and who evolved from snakes. They form a quartet, each living at the bottom of a deep lake situated in the four cardinal directions. They are believed to churn the waters which rise as clouds. The AH PATNAR UINICOB gods then beat the Rain from the clouds with stone axes....
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Syrian / Phoenician weather god. Derived from the Akkadian deity ADAD. In texts found at the site of the ancient Canaanite capital of Ugarit [Ras Samra] , the name of Hadad apparently becomes a substitute for that of BAAL. His voice is described as roaring from the clouds and his weapon is the thunderbolt. His mother is the goddess ASERAH. During Hellenic times he was predominantly worshiped at Ptolemais and Hierapolis. His Syrian consort is ATARGATIS, who overshadowed him in local popularity at Hierapolis. Statues of the two deities were carried in procession to the sea twice yearly. According to the Jewish writer Josephus, Hadad also enjoyed a major cult following at Damascus in the eighth and ninth centuries BC. By the third century BC the Hadad-Atargatis cult had extended to Egypt, when he becomes identified as the god SUTEKH. In the Greek tradition his consort becomes HERA.See also ADAD....
God name
Scandinavian The first person of the Scandinavian Trinity, which consists of Har (the Mighty), the Like Mighty, and the Third Person. This Trinity is called "The Mysterious Three," and they sit on three thrones above the Rainbow. The next in order are the Aesir, of which Odin, the chief, lives in Asgard, on the heavenly hills between earth and the Rainbow. The third order is the Vanir - the gods of the ocean, air, and clouds - of which Van Niord is the chief. Har has already påśśed his ninth incarnation; in his tenth he will take the forms first of a peaçõçk, and then of a horse, when all the followers of Mahomet will be destroyed.
Goddess name
"Hel or Hela"
Scandinavian queen of the dead, is goddess of the ninth earth or nether world. She dwelt beneath the roots of the sacred ash (yggdrasil), and was the daughter of Loki. The All-father sent her into Helheim, where she was given dominion over nine worlds, and to one or other of these nine worlds she sends all who die of sickness or old age. Her dwelling is Elvidnir (dark clouds), her dish Hungr (hunger), her knife Sullt (starvation), her servants Ganglati (tardy-feet), her bed Kor (sickness), and her bed-curtains Blikiandabol (splendid misery). Half her body was blue. Scandinavian
God name
Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada Tribal god. The personification of the thunderbird known to many Indian tribes. The noise of the thunder is caused by the beating of its wings, and when it opens its eyes there is lightning. The thunder clouds are its cloak....
God name
Hindu A god of Rain, storms, thunder & clouds
God name
Ndonga / northern Namibia, southern Africa Creator god. Said to take the form of a giant man who is always partially hidden by clouds and generally seen only by women intermediaries known as nelagos who go to converse with him in sacred places. He is the father of MUSISI. The god is invoked at times of warfare and illness, but also as a fertility deity and before making a journey....
God name
Hawaii Primordial god of Agriculture, peace, Rain, clouds and the sky Hawaii
Demon name
"MON (great god)"
Kafir / Afghanistan—Hindukush warrior god and hero. Mon is a senior deity in the Kafir pantheon who challenges and defends mankind against demons and giants. He is the first offspring of the creator god Imra. He is also a weather god who controls clouds and mist. Mon is perceived as a deity of vast size and vigor who creates glaciers with his footprints. He is also a god of flowing water. Some legends place him as a creator of mankind and law-giver, but only mirroring the actions of the supreme creator IMRA. He appears as a mediator between heaven and earth....

Ireland One of the greatest of the women of the Tuatha de Danaan, she fed on the heads of men slain in battle. She, along with Badb and Morrigu, used powers of enchantment to bring mists, clouds of darkness, and showers of fire and blood over the Firbolgs at Teamhair for three days. The daughter of Emmåśś, she was killed by Balor in the second battle of Mag Tuireadh. Ireland
God name
"Meizabac (black powder maker)"
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico weather god. He sprinkles black dye on the clouds, which causes them to generate Rain. Believed to live on the edge of a lake. Also a fever god and a keeper of good souls. Also Metzabac....
God name
Mayan weather god who causes the Rain by sprinkling black dye on the clouds, he has a side line as a fever god and the keeper of good souls Mayan
God name
Hindu God of Rain and the personification of Rain clouds. Hindu

"Po Ino Nogar"
Cambodia The ruler of worlds and inventor of rice who was born amid the clouds. Cambodia
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