Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Osanobua" | Edo / Benin, West Africa | Creator god. The father of the god OLOKUN, he is regarded as a benevolent deity controlling prosperity, health and happiness.... |
God name "Oshe" | Yoruba | God of thunder and lightning. Yoruba |
Goddess name "Oya-Yansan" | Yoruba | Goddess of the Niger River. She is seen in aspects of warrior-goddess of wind, lightning, fertility, fire and magic. She creates hurricanes and tornadoes and guards the underworld. Yoruba |
God name "P:erende" | Albanian | A storm god that lets you know he is around with thunder & lightning. It was used by the Christians to identify their god in that region |
Goddess name "Pa-bil-sag" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Tutelary god of Isin. The consort of the goddess NIN'INSINNA. Identified with the city of Larak (lost), texts describe Pabilsag journeying to Nippur and presenting the god ENLIL with gifts. He is given the epithet of the wild bull with multicolored legs.... |
Goddess name "Pabilsag" | Mesopotamia | Tutelary god of Isin The consort of the goddess Nininsinna, he was identified with the lost city of Larak. Mesopotamia |
Goddess name "Paiowa Yana Piaute" | Greek | Goddess of the Evening star, she and her daughter created the first people USA |
Goddess name "Pallas (Athene)" | Greek | Goddess. The full name of the deity who is thus Pallas of Athens. The origin and meaning of the word Pallas is unknown.See also ATHENA.... |
God name "Pap-nigin-gara (lord of the boundary stone)" | Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian | God of war. Syncretized with NINURTA.... |
God name "Papsukkal" | Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian | Messenger god. Identified in late Akkadian texts and known chiefly from Hellenistic Babylonian times. His consort is AMASAGNUL and he acts as both messenger and gatekeeper for the rest of the pantheon. A sanctuary, the E-akkil, is identified from the Mesopotamian site of Mkis'. He becomes syncretized with NINS'UBUR.... |
Goddess name "Paraskeva" | Russia | Friday. Fertility goddess åśśociated with spinning, water, health, and marriage. Russia |
Spirit name "Pava" | Peru | The returning messianic god-spirit who has yet to return. Peru |
Goddess name "Pele" | Hawaii | A goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence. Hawaii |
God name "Perende" | Albania | God of storms, thunder and lightning. Albania |
God name "Perende" | Pre - Christian Albanian | storm god. In the ancient Illyrian culture his presence was announced by thunder and lightning. The name subsequently became adopted to identify God in the Christian sense.... |
Goddess name "Perkun Tete" | Balkans | Goddess of thunder and lightning identified with the planet Venus. Each night she receives the Sun, then returns it the next morning washed and shining. Balkans |
God name "Perun" | Slavic | A god of war, justice, lightning & thunder |
God name "Perun" | Slavic | God of war, justice, thunder and lightning. Slavic |