
List of Gods : "Name" - 988 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Egyptian Egyptian name for the vital force of life.

Arabic Phoenician name for the Kabiri
God name
Philippines Descended from his home in the sky. On earth he married a virtuous maiden named Bangan. She bore him three children. The first was Kabigat, a boy, second was Daungen, a girl. After the birth of the third child, Kabunian had to return to his home in heaven. As a god, he could not continue living indefinitely on earth. Philippines
God name
Polynesian / Maori God of Agriculture and creator of the Rainbow. The son of RONGOMAI, Kahukura is invoked for the well-being of crops and in some regions the name appears to be synonymous with that of RONGOMATANE, the god of Agriculture. Kahukura is particularly åśśociated with a staple vegetable of the Maori, the kumara, a root tuber that was introduced to New Zealand by man and is said to possess many magical properties. Kahukura is not to be confused with a legendary character of the same name, a mortal hero who, in antiquity, learned the art of making fish nets....
God name
Shinto / Japan River god. His name is often inscribed on the edge tiles of a house to protect against fire....

Hindu A name of Yama, the judge of the dead. In the Atharva-Veda Time is addressed as the source and ruler of all things. Hindu
Goddess name
Buddhist Goddess whose name means messenger of death Buddhist / Mahayana

India 'The black.' In Vedic days this name was åśśociated with Agni (fire), who has seven flickering tongues of flame for devouring oblations of butter. Of these seven, Kali was the black or terrific tongue. India
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Generic name for a deity. The title applied to the gods and goddesses of Shintoism....
Demon name
Japan The Ainus consider the heavens to be three in number. The first in order is called Shi-nish kando, "the greatest skies;" this is supposed to be the home of the chief of the gods, i.e. the Creator. The second order of heavens is called Nochiu-o kando, "the skies which bear the stars;" the second order of gods is supposed to dwell here. The last or lowest heavens are named range kando or urara kando, i.e. "the hanging skies" or "the fog skies;" the lowest orders of gods and some of the demons, especially the demons of thunder, are supposed to live here. Japan

Nazorean Uthra whose name is in the house of Life. Early Nazorean
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess whose name means desire Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Demon name
"Kasyapa (deriving from the Sanskrit for “tortoise”)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Primordial god. In Vedic literature a Divine demiurge and father of mankind, snake demons, DEVAS etc. His name stems, arguably, from the notion of the cosmos as a giant tortoise. He has had thirteen consorts. In other texts he is the father of the god NARADA who consorted with one of the daughters of DAKSA. Also PRAJAPATI....
God name
Moabite / Jordan Tutelary god. Mentioned under the name of Chemosh in the Vetus Testamentum kings, as being one of the gods worshiped by the Israelite king Solomon. Eventually adopted by the Greeks and absorbed into the cult of ARES....
Goddess name
Hittite / Hurrian Tutelary deity. This may be an archaic name for the goddess MA. Also Khebe....
God name
Vietnamese Vietnamese god of fishermen.
Deity name
Egypt Aka Chons, Khensu, Khons, Khonsu or Khonshu, is an ancient lunar deity, from before formal structure was given to a pantheon. His name reflects the fact that the moon travels across the night sky, for it means The Wanderer, and also had the titles Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he was thought to watch over night travelers. Egypt
God name
Vietnamese the brother of the Vietnamese god of fishermen.
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