
List of Gods : "God Ewe" - 85 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Mari (2) (queen)"
Basque / Pyrenean region Supreme mother goddess. She is both a sky and chthonic goddess and her consort is MAJU. She is depicted dressed in rich clothing and jewels. Her home is within the earth but she also rides through the air in a chariot pulled by four horses or carried by a ram. She may breathe fire and is symbolized by the Rainbow. When she and her consort meet, a thunderstorm forms. Her symbol is a sickle which is still employed as a device to ward off evil....
God name
Japan God of sake brewers Japan / Shinto
God name
Shinto / Japan God of sake brewers. Celebrated annually in a festival in Kyoto, when the presence of the god is carried on a palanquin. It is rowed down the river prior to a general celebration, during which sake is drunk liberally....
Goddess name
Fon / Benin, West Africa (1) moon goddess. The sister of the Sun god LISA. She is also considered to bestow fertility and motherhood and is generally benevolent in nature.(2) sky god. Ewe [Togo, West Africa]. Among the tribe neighboring the Fon. Mawu is perceived as male and a creator deity. He favors the color white and is also benevolent and generous in nature....
God name
"Mawu Ewe"
Tongo sky god Tongo
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor fertility goddess. One of the group clåśśed as the Ometochtli complex åśśociated with the maguey plant from which pulque is brewed. She may be depicted seated upon a tortoise beside an agave plant in bloom. According to legend she was abducted by QUETZALCOATL and subsequently dismembered by wild animals. From the fragments grew the first agave plants....
God name
"Nanan Bouclou"
Ewe God of herbs and Medicine Ewe
God name
Hebrew The hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house of God, an office which the Gibeomtes were condemned to by Joshua. The word means given to God. Joshua ix. 27
God name
Buddhist God. A dikpala or guardian deity of the southwestern quarter. Color: blue. Attributes: jewel, lotus, staff, sword and trident....
God name
Egypt The name by which ancient Egyptians called both the mysterious underworld from where life was renewed and the primordeal god residing there.
Deities name
"Ome Tochtii"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Fertility god. Slaughtered and then revived by TEZCATLIPOCA. Head of the group clåśśed as the Ometochtli complex of fertility deities who personified the maguey plant and the intoxicating drink brewed from it, pulque or octli. Also (2) Tochtli....
God name
"Padmantaka (destructive to the lotus)"
Buddhist God. A dikpala or guardian of the western direction. Color: red. Attributes: jewel, red lotus, prayer wheel and sword. Three-headed....
Goddess name
"Pariskaravasita (control of purification)"
Buddhist Minor goddess. One of a group of VASITAS personifying the disciplines of spiritual regeneration. Color: yellow. Attribute: jeweled staff....
God name
"Pien Ho"
China God of jade, jewelers and immortality. China
God name
Buddhist God. One of the dikpalas, guardians of the southern direction. Color: white. Attributes: jewel, lotus, sword, trident and white staff....
Goddess name
Buddhist Goddess. The personification of the religious text Prajnaparamita and the SAKTI of VAJRADHARA. An emanation of the deity AKSOBHYA. Also a philosophical deity, the spiritual offspring of RATNASAMBHAVA. The embodiment of transcendental intuition. She stands upon a lotus. Color: white, reddish white or yellow. Attributes: blue lotus, Book, cup, knife, jeweled staff and red lotus....
Goddess name
"Pramudita (delighted)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: red. Attributes: jewel and staff....
Goddess name
"Pranidhanavasita (control of abstract contemplation)"
Buddhist Minor goddess. One of a group of VASITAS personifying the disciplines of spiritual regeneration. Color: yellow. Attributes: blue lotus and jeweled staff....
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