Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Ikal Ahau" | Mayan / Tzotzil, Mesoamerican / Mexico | Chthonic god of death. Perceived as a diminutive figure who lives in a cave by day but wanders at night attacking people and eating raw human flesh. He is also considered to inhabit Christian church towers in Mexico and is probably personified by vampire bats.... |
God name "Itzamna" | Maya | The founder of the Maya culture, taught his people to grow maize and cacao, as well as writing, calendars and Medicine. He was a good-natured god who was especially worshiped by the wealthier clåśśes. He was åśśociated with snakes and mussels. His father was Kinich Ahau or Hunab Ku. The city of Izamal was sacred to him. |
Goddess name "Ix Ahau" | Mayan | Goddess of the moon Mayan |
Goddess name "Ix Zacal Nok (lady cloth-weaver)" | Mayan / Mesoameri can / Mexico | Creator goddess. The consort of the Sun god Kinich Ahau and also the inventor of weaving. She may represent another aspect of the mother goddess COLEL CAB. Also Ix Azal Uoh; Ixchel.See also AH KIN.... |
God name "Kahukura aka Rongo" | Maori | A major god, the god of cultivated food. He separated the primordial parents Rangi and Papa to allow daylight into the world. Tawhirimatea, the god of storms did not consent to this plan and afterwards attacked his brothers with unrelenting fury. Rongo and Haumia, the god of wild food, took refuge in the body of Papa, mother earth, who hid them until the storm påśśed. Maori |
God name "Kinich Ahau" | Mayan | God of war and the Sun. Mayan |
God name "Little-Endians" | Swift | The two great empires of Lilliput and Blefuscu waged a destructive war against each other, exhausted their treasures, and decimated their subjects on their different views of interpreting this vital direction contained in the 54th chapter of the Blun-decral: "All true believers break their eggs at the convenient end." The godfather of Calin Deffar Plane, the reigning emperor of Lilliput, happened to cut his finger while breaking his egg at the big end, and very royally published a decree commanding all his liege and faithful subjects, on pains and penalties of great severity, to break their eggs in future at the small end. The orthodox Blefuscudians deemed it their duty to resent this innovation, and declared a war of extermination against the heretical Lilliputians. Swift |
Goddess name "Mahalbiya Hausa" | Africa | Goddess of healing, fevers, ulcers Africa |
God name "Morva signifies Locus Maritimus" | Britain | Morva signifies Locus Maritimus. Sea-women and sea-daughters. "The fishermen who were the ancestors of the Church, came from the Galilean waters to haul for men. We, born to God at the font, are children of the water. Therefore, all the early symbolism of the Church was of and from the sea. The carvure of the early arches was taken from the sea and its creatures. Fish, dolphins, mermen, and mermaids abound in the early types, transferred to wood and stone."' cornwall, Britain |
God name "Ogdoad" | Egypt | Primordial forces. The elements of chaos, eight in number, which existed before the creation of the Sun god and which are known from Khemnu in Middle Egypt (Greek Heliopolis). The Ogdoad also had a sanctuary at Medinet Habu. They created, out of themselves rather than by sexual coupling, the mound which emerged from the primeval waters and upon which rested the egg from which the young Sun god emerged. They are usually depicted as baboons heralding the Sun as it rises. They are grouped in pairs and include NUN and NAUNET representing the primordial abyss, KEK and KAUKET representing darkness, HEH and HAUHET representing infinity, and AMUN and AMAUNET representing hidden power.... |
God name "Rongo" | Maori | God of cultivated plants. Rongo, with his brothers Tu, Tane, Tawhirimatea, Tangaroa, and Haumia-tiketike, separated the primordial parents Rangi and Papa to allow daylight into the world. Maori |
Goddess name "Shaushka" | Akkadia | Powerful goddess Ishtar Hittite / Hurrian / Akkadia |
Deities name "Shichi-uuku-iii" | Shinto / Japan | Gods of luck. The seven principal deities concerned with fortune: EBISU, DAIKOKU, BENTEN-SAN, BISHAMON, FUKUROKUJU, HOTEI and JUNROJIN. The group is often represented together on their treasure ship Takara-Bune, which carries various magical devices including a hat of invisibility, a roll of brocade, an inexhaustible purse, keys to the Divine treasure house and so on.... |
Deities name "Tangaroa" | Polynesian / including Maori | Sea and creator god. The deity responsible for the oceans (moana) and the fish (ika) within them. In Hawaiian belief he was the primordial being who took the form of a bird and laid an egg on the surface of the primeval waters which, when it broke, formed the earth and sky. He then engendered the god of light, ATEA (cf. TANE). According to Tahitian legend, he fashioned the world inside a gigantic mussel shell. In a separate tradition Tangaroa went fishing and hauled the Tongan group of islands from the depths of the ocean on a hook and line. He is the progenitor of mankind (as distinct from TUMATAUENGA who has authority over mankind). His son Pili married SINA, the tropic bird and they produced five children from whom the rest of the Polynesian race was born. In Maori culture Tangaroa, like all deities, is represented only by inconspicuous, slightly worked stones or pieces of wood and not by the large totems which are depictions of ancestors.... |
Goddess name "Tate Hautse Huichol" | Mexico | Srain and water goddess, additionally responsible for mist and fog Mexico |
Goddess name "Tate Hautse Kupuri (mother north water)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Rain and water goddess. Similar to TATE KYEWIMOKA, but also responsible for mists and fogs.... |
God name "Tetzahauteotl (god of fearful omen)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor god of war. A patron god of Mexico and one of the group clåśśed as the HUITZILPOCHTLI complex.... |
Goddess name "Tin Hau" | China | Goddess of the waters. China |