
List of Gods : "God Cal Us" - 658 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Sari Chou Niiarig Niiarig"
Chinese Mother goddess. First deified during the Sung Dynasty (AD 960-1279) to combat the popularity of KUAN YIN, no mortal existence is recognized for this deity who is referred to simply as “heavenly mother.” By tradition she rules over the “islands of the blessed,” the three mythical islands which are the home of the gods. She is depicted wearing a yellow robe signifying imperial rank and carries the attribute of a scepter. Typically she displays an enigmatic smile....
Spirit name
Blavatsky The queen of the serpents; "Before our globe became egg-shaped (and the Universe also) 'a long trail of Cosmic dust (or fire mist) moved and writhed like a serpent in Space.' The 'Spirit of God moving on chaos' was symbolized by every nation in the shape of a fiery serpent breathing fire and light upon the primordial waters, until it had incubated cosmic matter and made it åśśume the annular shape of a serpent with its tail in its mouth -- which symbolises not only Eternity and Infinitude, but also the globular shape of all the bodies formed within the Universe from that fiery mist. The Universe, as well as the earth and Man, cast off periodically, serpent-like, their old skins, to åśśume new ones after a time of rest " The secret Doctrine, by H. P. Blavatsky
Goddess name
"Satis (she who shoots; she who pours)"
Egypt Minor goddess. A guardian of the southern (Nubian) border of Upper Egypt. The consort of the ram god KHNUM and, by implication, the mother of ANUKIS. She is depicted wearing the conical white crown of Upper Egypt, bearing tall plumes or antelope horns. Satis is described in Pyramid Texts, particularly the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, and there is reference to a sanctuary built for her at Elephantine. Also Satjit; Satet (both Egyptian)....
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Latvian Sun goddess. Also having agricultural links, she is perceived as living on a heavenly farm atop a mythical mountain and invoked to induce fertility and ripening among crops. Her consorts are the sky god DIEVS and the moon god MENESS....
God name
Greek An Oceanid, son of Oceåñuś and Tethys and the god of the river Scamander, in Troas, was called by the gods Xanthus. Being insulted by Achilles, he entered into a contest with the Greek hero but Hera sent out Hephaestus to åśśist Achilles, and the god of fire dried up the waters of Scamander, and frightened Scamander, until Hera ordered Hephaestus to spare the river-god. By Idaea, he fathered Teucrus.(Theogony 345.) Greek
Goddess name
Egypt Local goddess, concerned with libraries and writing Egypt
Goddess name
"Sefkhet-Abwy (she who has seven horns)"
Egypt Local goddess of libraries and writing. Probably a form of the goddess SESAT. Depicted in human form bearing a seven-pointed star or rosette on her head below a bow-shaped object....
Goddess name
Greek Also called Mene, a female divinity presiding over the months, or Latin Luna, was the goddess of the moon, or the moon personified into a Divine being. She is called a daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and accordingly a sister of Helios and Eos (Theogony 371 ; Apollodorus; Argonautica) ; but others speak of her as a daughter of Hyperion by Euryphaessa, or of Pallas, or of Zeus and Latona, or lastly of Helios. Greek
Goddess name
"Semframis and Ninus"
Assyrian The mythical founders of the Assyrian empire of Ninus or Nineveh. Semiramis was the daughter of the fish-goddess Derceto of Ascalon in Syria.
God name
Romano - Iberian God of war. Popular locally with troops of the Roman legions who occasionally sacrificed prisoners to him....
Goddess name
Egypt Local funerary goddess from Memphis Egypt
Goddess name
Egypt Local funerary goddess. Known chiefly at Memphis, where she appears as an attendant at the ritual of the weighing of the heart....
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic River goddess. The tutelary goddess of the Sequanae tribe. A pre-Roman sanctuary northwest of Dijon near the source of the Seine has yielded more than 200 wooden votive statuettes and models of limbs, heads and body organs, attesting to Sequana's importance as a goddess of healing. During the Roman occupation the site of Fontes Sequanae was sacred to her and was again considered to have healing and remedial properties. A bronze statuette of a goddess was found wearing a diadem, with arms spread and standing in a boat. The prow is in the shape of a duck, her sacred animal, with a cake in its mouth. Also found were models of dogs, an animal specifically åśśociated with healing through its affinity with the Greco-Roman physician deity AESCULAPIUS....
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of libraries and the art of writing. Known from 2500 BC, or earlier, until the end of Egyptian history circa AD 400. She is depicted anthropomorphically bearing a seven-pointed star or rosette on her head, sometimes atop a wand and below a bow-shaped object. Early in her career she was åśśociated with the ritual of “stretching the cord” during which boundary poles were rammed into the ground by the king before measuring out the foundations of a sanctuary. As a scribe she recorded the lists of foreign captives and their tributes. At Karnak in Upper Egypt and at Dendara she recorded the royal jubilees on a notched palm stem.See also SEFKHET-ABWY....
God name
"Sesa(naga) (remainder)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Snake god or naga. The great serpent lying in the primeval sea and encircling the world. The son of KASYAPA and KADRU. A many-headed attendant on VIS'NU who uses the snake as a couch on which to rest between cycles of the universe. Its many hoods overshadow and protect him. Not technically a deity but important enough in literature to be included here. Also Adisesa; ANANTA....
God name
Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada Sea god. Embodied in the killer whale (Orca). The universe is believed to be inhabited by super natural beings called Sga'na Qeda's for whom the land was first created. Also Måśśet San....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan Gods of luck. The seven principal deities concerned with fortune: EBISU, DAIKOKU, BENTEN-SAN, BISHAMON, FUKUROKUJU, HOTEI and JUNROJIN. The group is often represented together on their treasure ship Takara-Bune, which carries various magical devices including a hat of invisibility, a roll of brocade, an inexhaustible purse, keys to the Divine treasure house and so on....
God name
Afghanistan Local creator god of the Hindu Kush, Afghanistan
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