Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Ukko" | Pre - Christian Finnish | Thunder god. Drives a cart which generates flashes of lightning as the horses' hoofs hit stones along the way; the noise of thunder comes from the wheels or from Ukko grinding corn with a big stone. Attributes: ax, blue robe, hammer and sword.... |
God name "Umvelinqangi" | Zulu | The sky God who has a voice like thunder and is known to send down lightning bolts. He descended from heaven to marry Uthlanga and created the primeval reeds from which Unkulunkulu emerged. Zulu |
Goddess name "Ungamilia" | Australia | Goddess of the evening star. Australia |
Goddess name "Uras" | Sumeria | Urash, a goddess of earth, and one of the consorts of the sky god An. She is the mother of the goddess Nininsinna. Sumeria |
Goddess name "Uras" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Chthonic earth goddess. One of the named consorts of the sky god AN and the mother of NIN'INSINNA.... |
God name "Usins" | Latavia | An astral god that was affiliated with both the morning & evening star, he sidelined with beekeepers & spring until the Christians showed up and then he became St. George |
God name "Usins" | Pre - Christian Latvian | Astral god. Associated with both the morning and evening star and also has links with bee-keepers and spring. Under Christian influence he becomes absorbed into the figure of St. George.... |
Goddess name "Uttu" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | vegetation goddess and goddess of weaving. Not to be confused with UTU the Sun god, Uttu is a minor deity whose father is ENKI. According to legend, Enki first impregnated the mother goddess NINHURSAG A, whose nine-day gestation produced the goddess NIN-S'AR. She in turn was impregnated by Enki and, after a similar nine-day gestation, gave birth to the goddess NINKURRA. Through the same procedure with her grandfather, Ninkurra conceived the goddess Uttu. She is depicted as the goddess of weaving and of spiders.... |
Goddess name "Vaga" | s | Sabra, goddess of the Severn, being a prudent, well-conducted maiden, rose with the first streak of morning dawn, and, descending the eastern side of the hill, made choice of the most fertile valleys, whilst as yet her sisters slept. Vaga, goddess of the Wye, rose next, and, making all haste to perform her task, took a shorter course, by which means she joined her sister ere she reached the sea. The goddess Rhea, old Plinlimmon's pet, woke not till roused by her father's chiding; but by bounding down the side of the mountain, and selecting the shortest course of all, she managed to reach her destination first. Thus the Cymric proverb, There is no impossibility to the maiden who hath a fortune to lose or a husband to win." Welsh |
Goddess name "Vairotya (having an ax and a goad)" | Jain / India | Goddess of learning. One of sixteen Vidyadevi headed by the goddess Sarasvati.... |
Goddess name "Vaisnavi" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. A SAKTI of V IS NU, also regarded as a form of LAKSMI. In later Hinduism she became one of a group of MATARAS regarded as of evil intent. Also one of a group of eight ASTAMATARAS. In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. Her vehicle is the hybrid beast GARUDA. Attributes: child, club, conch, lotus and prayer wheel.... |
Goddess name "Vajrasrnkhala (personification)" | Buddhist | (1) Minor goddess. One of the Mahayana deities said to be an emanation of AMOGHASIDDHI. Some texts describe her as the SAKTI of HEVAJIRA. Color: green. Attributes: arrow, bow, cup, image of Amoghasiddhi on the crown, mane, noose skin, and staff. Three-eyed and three-headed.(2) Goddess of learning. Jain. One of sixteen VIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.... |
Goddess name "Varahi" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. A SAKTI who in later Hinduism becomes one of a group of MATARAS regarded as of evil intent. Also one of a group of eight ASTAMATARAS. In another grouping, one of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. She sits upon a boar, buffalo or elephant. Attributes: boar's head, bow, club, cup, knife, noose, plough, sword and trident.... |
Goddess name "Vari-Ma-Te-Takere (the very beginning)" | Polynesian / Hervey Islands | Mother goddess. The creator being who lives at the very bottom of the world coconut, sitting in a cramped space with her knees and chin touching. She lives in Te-Enua-Te-Ki (mute land) in eternal silence and is the mother of six children, all deities, three of which she plucked from her right side and three from her left.See also AVATEA, TINIRAU, TANGO, TUMUTEANAOA, RAKA and TU-METUA.... |
Goddess name "Vasanta" | India | Goddess of spring, learning, music, poetry and disco. North India |
God name "Veiovis" | Etruscan | Vedius, "little Jupiter" or "the destructive Jupiter," and identified with Pluto. But Veiovis seems to designate an Etruscan divinity of a destructive nature, whose fearful lightnings produced deafness in those who were to be struck by them, even before they were actually hurled. He was represented as a youthful god armed with arrows, and his festival fell before the nones of March. |
Goddess name "Vestal Virgin" | Greek | A nun, a religieuse, properly a maiden dedicated to the service of the goddess Vesta. The duty of these virgins was to keep the fire of the temple always burning, both day and night. They were required to be of spotless chastity. Greek |
Goddess name "Vidyadevi" | Jain / India | The generic title for a group of 16 goddesses that are åśśociated with knowledge & learning |