
List of Gods : "God Ing" - 2419 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Emeli Hin"
Tuareg / central Sudan Creator god. A generic title meaning “my lord.”...
God name
"Emeli Hin Tuareg"
Sudan A creator god & generic term meaning Lord
God name
Sumerian A river god in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates. He was also the deity of canals, irrigation and farming. Sumerian
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian River god. In creation mythology he is placed in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates by the god ENKI. He is also god of canals, irrigation and farming. In Babylonian times he becomes the son of EA and is syncretized with ADAD....
God name
Greek The most powerful of the giants that conspired against Zeus. The king of gods and men cast him down, and threw Mount Etna over him. The poets say that the flames of this volcano arise from the breath of this giant. The battle-field of his contest was Phlegra, in Macedonia. Greek
God name
Greek A son of Tartarus and Ge, and one of the hundred-armed giants who made war upon the gods. He was killed, according to some, by Zeus, by a flash of lightning, and buried under mount Aetna and according to others, he was killed by the chariot of Athena, or by the spear of Seilenus. Greek
God name
Roman God of healing Roman / Iberia
God name
RomanoIberian Chthonic oracular and healing god. Known from the Portuguese region. Probably the recipient of pig sacrifice....
God name
"Enki/ Ea"
Sumeria / Mesopotamia A creator god, water, cunning & fertility
God name
Sumeria God of canals, ditches, irrigation and sedentary farming. Sumeria
God name
Sumeria God of air and weather. One of four Sumerian creating gods. Sumeria
God name
Sumerian A god of the underworld who often worked with Enbilulu to bring water to the surface of the earth. Sumerian
Deities name
Egypt / Lower The Heliopolis pantheon. The nine major deities enumerated and given their genealogy by the priesthood of Heliopolis, the center of the Sun-worshiping cult in Lower Egypt. Comprising the Sun god ATUM (or Atum-Re) and his offspring, S U, TEFNUT, GEB, NUT, OSIRIS, ISIS, SETH and NEPHTHYS. Other Egyptian cult centers possessed similar pantheons though not necessarily including the same list of deities. Thus, for example, the god PTAH presided at Thebes....
God name
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian God. The name is a corruption, apparently a misreading of Suen, the archaic form of SIN....
Goddess name
Greek In Latin Aurora, the goddess of the morning red, who brings up the light of day from the east. She was a daughter of Hyperion and Theia or Euryphåśśa, and a sister of Helios and Selene. Greek
Goddess name
Hellenized Indo - European sky goddess. The spirit of the dawn. She is the daughter of HYPERION and THEA, and the sister of HELIOS (sun) and SELENE (moon). The consort of AEOLOS, the storm god son of POSEIDON, she bore six children who represent the various winds. Hesiod accounts her as the consort of Astraeos. In separate tradition she is the mother of Memnon who was slain at Troy, and her tears are the morning dew. See also AURORA....
Goddess name
Anglo - Saxon Fertility goddess of spring. The derivation of “Easter.” Probably a number of the obscure folk customs surrounding Easter and still practiced in England trace back to her worship....
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of healing, childbirth, children Egypt
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