Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Abuk" | Sudan | The first woman and patron goddess of women and gardens. south Sudan |
Goddess name "Annallja Tu Bari" | Sudan | Goddess of sexual desire. Sudan |
God name "Apedemak" | Sudan | God of war. Depicted with a lion's head and a human body. The elephant and cattle were sacred to him. Sudan |
God name "Apedemak" | Sudanese / Meroe | war god. An Egyptianized deity, his main sanctuary was contained in a vast religious complex and center of pilgrimage at Musawwarat-es-Sufra, north of the sixth Nile cataract. Sacred animals include cattle and the African elephant. Depicted with the head of a lion and a human body, holding a scepter embellished with a seated lion at the tip.... |
God name "Apedmak" | Sudanese | a war god |
God name "Bele" | Sudan / Africa | God of fear, mischief and trickery who gave fire and water to mankind. Sudan / Africa |
God name "Bele/ Tule/ Azapane/ Mba" | Sudan / Africa | A god of fear, mischief & trickery who gave fire & water to mankind |
Goddess name "Buk" | Neur / Sudan | The goddess of rivers & streams |
Goddess name "Buk" | Nuer / Sudan | River goddess. A guardian against attack by crocodiles, she is invoked by the sacrifice of a goat. Known as the daughter of the fireflies.... |
Goddess name "Buk Neur" | Sudan | Goddess of rivers and streams Sudan |
Goddess name "Candit" | Sudan | The goddess of rivers and streams and the source of life. Sudan |
God name "Col" | Sudan | Rain and thunderstorms god Sudan |
God name "Col (black one)" | Nuer / Sudan | Rain god. He brings Rain and thunderstorms. Souls of people killed by lightning have been described as colwic. Also Chol.... |
God name "Col/ Chol" | Nuer / Sudan | A Rain & thunderstorms god |
God name "Deng" | Sudan | God of Rain. Dinka, Sudan |
Goddess name "Deng" | Nuer / Dinka / Sudan | sky god. Considered to be a foreign deity in the Nuer pantheon and a bringer of disease. His daughter is the moon goddess. In Dinka religion he is a storm and fertility god bringing lightning and Rain.... |
God name "Deng Dinka/ Neur" | Sudan | A god of Rain |
Goddess name "Diang" | Sudan | cow goddess and the wife of the first human, Omara, sent by the creator god. Her son is Okwa, who married the crocodile goddess Nyakaya. Shilluk, Sudan |