
List of Gods : "God Pre" - 687 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Veja Mate"
Pre - Christian Latvian Goddess of winds. Also responsible for birds and woodlands....
Goddess name
"Velu Mate"
Pre - Christian Latvian Chthonic underworld goddess. The “queen of the dead.” She is depicted wearing white and she greets the dead at the cemetery....
Goddess name
Greek The goddess of love among the Romans, and more especially of sensual love. Previously to her identification with the Greek Aphrodite, she was one of the least important divinities in the religion of the Romans, and it is observed by the ancients themselves, that her name was not mentioned in any of the doçúɱents relating to the kingly period of Roman history.
Goddess name
"Venus Victrix"
Roman Venus, as goddess of victory, represented on numerous Roman coins.
God name
Pre - Christian Albanian God of fire. He is åśśociated with the north winds. Under Christian influence he becomes identified with the devil....
Supreme god name
Russia The supreme god, ‘the god who is above'. The Ezra, Russia
God name
Persian / Iran God of victories. He is embodied by the wild boar which possesses iron-shod feet to crush opponents and is perceived to be present in the wind....
God name
"Verethragna Persia"
Iran The god of victory, he is perceived to be present in the wind
Goddess name
Roman Minor god of gardens and orchards. Of Etruscan origin, he is the consort of the goddess POMONA. Usually represented with garden implements and offered fruit and flowers. He was celebrated annually in the Vertumnalia festival on August 13....
Spirit name
Africa The 'First Appearer'. The supreme spirit, and ancestor god. The Zulu, South Africa
Supreme god name
Etruscan Tutelary god. Originally a vegetation deity who was elevated to the position of supreme god in the Etruscan pantheon and known in Roman culture as VERTUMNUS....
Goddess name
Celtic Goddess of the sea who rose from the depths and halted the ship of king Vilkinus of Norway, proclaiming that she was pregnant with his child. Celtic
God name
Pre - Islamic southern Arabian moon god. His sacred animal is the snake....
God name
"Wadj Wer (the mighty green one)"
Egypt Fertility god. Sometimes depicted in androgynous form, he personifies the Mediterranean Sea or the major lakes of the Nile delta. He is depicted carrying the ankh symbol of life, and a loaf. The figure often appears pregnant and is åśśociated with the richness of the Nile delta waters....
Supreme god name
Sudan Supreme god. Sudan
God name
Tierra del Fuego The Ancient of Days, "The One Who Does Not Change." The supreme omnipresent and beneficent god of the Yahgan, Tierra del Fuego
Supreme god name
Africa Supreme god of the Kavirondo, Africa
Goddess name
Egypt God of påśśage. Depicted as a jackal, Wepwawet began as a god of Upper Egypt, but his cult spread along the whole of the Nile valley. According to Pyramid Texts, he was born beneath a tamarisk tree in the sanctuary of the goddess WADJET at Buto. He is also closely linked with the falcon god HORUS. He is perceived preceding the ruler either to or from battle, or to the afterlife, when his adze is used to break open the mouth of the dead person. In a similar context he is linked to the Sun god RE when he “opens the dawn sky” to the deceased. As a god of påśśage, he also opens the way to the womb....
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