
List of Gods : "God Pin" - 159 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Hittite / Hurrian Mother goddess. Described as the “great mother.” In the legend of TELEPINU, the missing god, she sends a bee to locate him. When the bee stings Telepinu to awaken him, the god vents his rage on the natural world. NOTE: the priestesses of the Phrygian mother goddess KYBELE were, according to the Roman writer Lactantius, melissai or bees....
God name
Islands Holy Maidens who sacrificed themselves by jumping from a towering cliff into the sea. This act was meant to propitiate the sea-god and prevent him from sinking their island. Canary Islands
Goddess name
Greek River goddess. Daughter of the river god ASOPOS, she was seduced by ARES, who fathered Oenomaus (a king said to have reigned near Olympia) on her....
God name
Egypt God of peace and happiness Egypt
Goddess name
Hawaiian Goddess. The daughter of HAUMEA and younger sister of PELE, the volcano goddess, Hi'aika is the mistress of the dance and especially of the hula. Separate traditions identify her with LAKA, the god of the hula and the son of KANE, the god of light; and with a goddess, Na Wahine, the daughter of the primordial creator principle KEAWE. The hula was designed to give a formalized structure to the enactment of myths and among the favorite topics is the romance between Pele and the hero Lohiau. According to mythology Hi'aika was entrusted with a mission to find Lohiau on Pele's behalf and to bring him back to her, a mission that subsequently enflamed the jealousy of Pele over her sister's developing relationship with Lohiau, and brought about his death in Pele's fiery lava....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan Sun god. One of a number of minor Sun deities, engendered from the blood of the god KAGU-TSUCHI and worshiped in the mountain sanctuary of the fire KAMIS, Kono-Jinja. In Japan certain older people still worship the Sun. They go outside at Sunrise, face east and bow, clapping their hands....
God name
Japan The centipede stomping god of Japan
God name
Pre - Christian Karelian / Finland Tree god. Said to reside in pine Forests. After Christianization he was degraded to a troll....
God name
"Ho Po Ping"
China God of the Yellow River China
God name
"Ho Po Ping I"
China A god of the Yellow River
God name
Taoist / Chinese River god. The so-called “Count of the River,” the deity who controls all rivers but particularly the Yellow River, and who is the subject of an official cult and sacrifice. According to tradition he achieved immortality by weighing himself down with stones and drowning himself. He received an annual sacrifice of a young girl until the end of the Shou Dynasty circa 250 BC. Also Hebo; Ping-Yi....
Goddess name
India Goddess of happiness and merriment India
God name
Japan God of happiness and one of the seven gods of luck. If you rub his belly, you will receive good fortune. Japan
God name
Greek The personification and god of sleep, the Greek Hypnos, is described by the ancients as a brother of death and as a son of night. At Sicyon there was a statue of Sleep surnamed the giver. In works of art Sleep and death are represented alike as two youths sleeping or holding inverted torches in their hands. Greek
Goddess name
Aztec The ruler of love, marriage, flowers, art, music, women, magic, spinning, fertility, sex, weaving, and changes. Ichpuchtli is also the Goddess of Sacred Prostitutes, and professions which imitate nature. Aztec
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Goddess of wrath. Daughter of Puloman, a demonic figure killed by the god INDRA, and the SAKTI and consort of Indra. One of seven MATARAS (mothers) who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent. Also one of a group of eight ASTAMATARAS personifying jealousy (also named Aindri in this capacity). In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS or astral deities who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. Her attendant animal is either an elephant or a lion. Attributes: hook, rosary, Santana flower, staff and waterjar. One thousand-eyed. Also Aindri; Mahendri; Paulomi; Saci; Sujata....
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of the household, domestic health, happiness and prosperity. The night-eater of corpses. Hindu
God name
Philippines Descended from his home in the sky. On earth he married a virtuous maiden named Bangan. She bore him three children. The first was Kabigat, a boy, second was Daungen, a girl. After the birth of the third child, Kabunian had to return to his home in heaven. As a god, he could not continue living indefinitely on earth. Philippines
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