Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Planet name "Sarii" | Hindu | (1) Astral god. The son of SURYA and CHAYA and the personification of the planet Saturn. Stands upon a lotus or rides in an iron chariot drawn by eight piebald horses. Color: black or blue. Attributes: arrow, bow, rosary, staff and trident.(2) Astral god. Buddhist. Stands upon a tortoise. Color: blue-black. Attribute: a staff.... |
Goddess name "Sri(devi) (prosperity)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) Goddess. An early name which was syncretized with that of LAKSMI to form Sri-Laksmi.(2) Goddess. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire who protect the Dalai Lama. A manifestation of the goddess DEVI sometimes seen in company with VIS NU, when conventionally she stands on his right. Her breasts are covered by a narrow band of cloth. She may be invoked to provide wealth (see also Laksmi). Her retinue includes the goddesses of the seasons and her animal is a mule. Color: blue. Attributes: chiefly cup and staff but on occasion several other objects including a pink lotus. Three-eyed and may be three-headed. Also LHA MO.(3) Goddess. Jain.... |
Goddess name "Suridara (charming)" | Hindu / Puranic | (1) Goddess. A prosperous aspect of the god SIVA. 2 Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendant of BUDDHAKAPALA.... |
Goddess name "Tara (power of hunger)" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | (1) Goddess. May originally have had astral connotations, since the word can be interpreted as star. One of a group of MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI of SI IVA. She may also be the consort of CANDRA (SOMA). Aspects include Krodharatri. Attributes: knife, skin, skull, snakes and sword. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana and Vajrayana). An epithet of the mother of the BUDDHA, Maya. Also one of a series of female deities, the DHYANIBUDDHASAKTI considered to be aspects of the Sakti of AVALOKITESVARA or of AMOGASHIDDHI. She may also be the Sakti of ADIBIDDHA and of the various DHYANIBUDDHAS, in which case she is characterized by their colors. These Taras thus become White Tara and so on.See also BHRKUTI, EKAJATA, KURUKULLA, SITATARA and SYAMATARA. In Tibetan Buddhism she is known as sGrol-ma.... |
Deities name "Trailokyavijaya (lord of three worlds)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | God. Seen standing on the Hindu deities Mahesvara (SIVA) and GAURI. Color: blue. Attributes: arrow, bell, bow, club, hook, noose, prayer wheel, staff and sword. Also an alternative name for ACALA.... |
God name "Ucchusma" | Buddhist | God. An emanation of AKSOBHYA or RATNASAMBHAVA. Also a form of JAMBHALA. He is depicted as pot-bellied and stands upon Kubera, the Hindu god of riches, who lies with jewels spewing from his mouth. Attributes: cup, ichneumon fly, image of Aksobhya in the hair, moon disc and snakes. Three-eyed.... |
Spirit name "Vajrapani" | Buddhist / mainly Tibet | God. An emanation of AKSOBHYA but also sometimes identified with ADIBUDDBA. Generally thought to reflect the second DHYANIBUDDHA or spiritual meditation buddba. Sometimes depicted with a peaçõçk. Alternatively considered to be a counterpart of the Hindu god INDRA. Color: dark blue or white. Attributes: noose, snake and staff. Also AcalaVajrapani; Acarya-Vajrapani.... |
Goddess name "Vidyujjvalakarili (tongues of fire)" | Buddhist | Goddess. A twelve-headed form of Akajata who is said to have been formed in the BUDDHA's sweat. She is often depicted trampling the four Hindu deities BRAHMA, INDRA, SIVA and VISNU. Color: blue or black. Attributes: many and varied.... |
God name "Vigrieaetaka (remover of obstacles)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | God. An emanation of AKSOBHYA who may equate with the Hindu god GANESA. Color: blue. He is also seen as a dikpala or guardian of the northerly direction, in which case his color is green. Attributes: cup, drum, hook, knife, noose and staff. Three-headed. Also Analarka.... |
Deities name "Virupaksa (misinformed eyes)" | Hindu Buddhist | 1 God. Epithet of SIVA and one of the EKADASARUDRAS or eleven RUDRA deities. Attributes: ax, bell, club, cup, drum, hook, knife, lotus, prayer wheel, rosary, Sakti and sword. Threeheaded.... |
Deities name "Yamari (enemy of Yama)" | Buddhist / Vajrayana | God. Probably influenced by the Hindu deities SIVA and YAMA. His vehicle is a buffalo, his color red and his attributes a club, a cup, a noose and a staff.... |